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That there railway-cutting's where I'd go, and then at the inkwidge they don't know if you did it a-purpose or was topped over by the train, and they gives you the benefit of the doubt, and says, `Found dead." "We won't talk about it," said Reginald, smiling, the first smile that had crossed his lips for a week. "Do you know, young 'un, I'm hungry; are you?" "Got any browns?" said Love.

Melby peter out on my favorite record? He done the same thing last night. It looks like an insult." "It's nothing but ignorance," Stover replied. "He don't want no trouble with you. None of 'em do." "I'd like to know for certain." The small man seemed torn by doubt. "If I only knew he done it a-purpose, I'd git him. I bet I could do it from here."

Perhaps she would leave it behind her in her sleep. Out-of-doors suddenly a new sound rose shrill above the crickets and the frogs. It was the Enemy singing "Glory, glory, hallelujah." That was the last straw. Margaret writhed deeper into the pillows. She knew what the rest of it was "Glory, glory, hallelujah, 'tisn't me! My soul goes marching on!" She was out there singing that a-purpose!

She went into the dining room, still without great wonder that they were all there; but when she saw the women in white aprons, and the table arrayed, and on it Ellen Bourne's Christmas rose blooming, she broke into a little laugh. "Oh," she said, "you done this a-purpose for him." "I hope, Mary, you won't mind," Mis' Mortimer Bates said formally, "it being Christmas, so.

He was married, three years ago come Boxing Day, to the station bullockdriver's daughter; a girl who had been in service at the house, but could n't hit it with the missus. Muster M'Intyre wanted to see him settled down, and had fetched the parson a-purpose to do the job. He had only one of a family; a little boy, called Roderick, in honour of Muster M'Intyre.

That was not the way to talk to any Indian; but such a great loathing and contempt far this Wyandotte had seized me, so certain in my mind was I that he was disloyal and that every stupid act of his had been done a-purpose, that I could scarce control my desire to take him by that thick, bull-throat of his and kick him into the river.

"Just like I thought," said Jessup, as they mounted and swung around the corner. "That guy was planted there a-purpose to get us into the eatin'-house. What's more, I'll bet my saddle he was the same one who came snoopin' around Red Butte camp two weeks ago. Recollect, Gabby said he was small, with black hair an' eyes close together?" Buck nodded.

The Westons finally went to their rooms. Lorry, out of sorts with himself and the immediate world, was left alone on the veranda. "She just acted so darned nice to me I forgot to eat," he told the post confidentially. "And then she forgot I was livin' in the same county after supper. And she did it a-purpose.

It's enough to make anyone's head ache the way you mope around reading all the time. Dr. Bainbridge says as soon as you get up and go to work you'll be all right." Faith's face flushed angrily and she demanded, with some heat, "What do you know about what Dr. Bainbridge says?" "I asked him a-purpose to see whether you were going to be an angel soon."

And if so be' Binks straightened himself, and drew out his spade from the earth 'as I was him, I'd a deal rather break stones, or else try to grow them plaguey carrits in damp clay! But, he added sardonically, as his outburst calmed down, 'in course if, as you think, it's what he was made a-purpose for Well, I say no more.