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It ain't that play set him crazy to make Bell River with an outfit to lick a bunch of scallawag neches. No, sir. He's wise to the value of dollars in a world where there's nothing much else counts. There ain't no joy to life without 'em. An' you just can't live life without joy.

Why, THAT SNEAKIN' HOUND OF A BROTHER OF YOURS JIM! Jim! the scallawag that I booted outer the ranch five years ago, crawlin', writhin' back again after all these years to insult his old father's gray hairs! And some of you by God once thought that I was hard on him!" The sun was shining brightly the next morning as the young editor halted the up coach in the now dried hollow.

"I didn't say. An' he didn't tell me, neither. Fellers like him ain't never ready with their names. Maybe he calls himself Moreton Kenyon. Y' see he was the same as handed the farm over, an' you tol' me, back ther' in Leeson Butte, you'd bo't Moreton Kenyon's farm. 'Moreton Kenyon! Sort o' high-soundin' name for such a scallawag. I don't never trust high-soundin' names.

La! she's a woman she's got a headpiece, she hab!" "Yes," said the invalid; "I know that that odious scallawag, Jordan Jackson, has been here and has been shut up with my son, consulting and planning the Lord knows what, here in this very house of mine. Pretty business for a Le Moyne and a Richards to be in! You all thought you'd keep it from me; but you couldn't."

His boss was talking easily, and in a friendliness which disgusted his retainer. He seemed to be even deferring to this aged scallawag of a chief, as though he were some one of importance. That was one of Charley's greatest grievances against his chief. He was always too easy with "damn-fool neches." Charley felt that these miserable creatures should be "all shot up dead."

He felt some one touch his arm and turned to find the sheriff by his side one of those disreputables who infested the South after the war, holding office by the votes of the negroes. "Better let 'em have her, it ain't worth the while. You'll hafter kill, or be killed." "You scallawag!" said Conway, now purple with anger "is that the way you respect your sworn oath?

"I was too busy last evening," writes the judge, "to bring you this volume which I picked up in a La Salle street stall yesterday. I know your love for the scallawag Villon, so I am sure you will fancy the lines which, evidently, the former owner of this book has scribbled upon the fly-leaf." Fancy them?

Now and then the scallawag sailors would force them upon all fours, and sitting astride their backs would compel them to creep about the deck, pretending to be horses, while Condent whipped them smartly with the rope's end. Thinking to save his precious twine, he ordered these monks to pray for favoring winds, and he kept them on their marrow bones petitioning from daylight until sunset.

And the eyes that were turned to Romarin plainly wondered who the scallawag dining with him might be. Since Romarin had chosen that their conversation should be of the old days, and without picking and choosing, Marsden was quite willing that it should be so. Again he was casting the bullets of bread into his mouth, and again Romarin was conscious of irritation.

He is well educated, and is a lawyer in Columbia; but the influential and conservative men, who are nearly all Unionists, will have nothing to do with him, and have always looked upon him as a scallawag.