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"How long will you be gone, do you think?" Giovanni did not believe that, if the papers were genuine, and if they had to search for the man mentioned in them, they could return in less than a fortnight. "Why not send a detective a sbirro?" suggested Corona. "He could not accomplish anything," replied the Prince. "He would be at a great disadvantage there; we must go ourselves."

The sbirro who had killed Olympio happened to be arrested for another crime, and, making a clean breast, confessed that he had been employed by Monsignor Guerra to put out of the way a fellow-assassin named Olympio, who knew too many of the monsignor's secrets. Luckily for himself, Monsignor Guerra heard of this opportunely.

Follow me, and observe what I do. "The officer followed the lazzarone, who gave the handkerchief to the sbirro, and walked away. The latter had hardly put his prize in his pocket when the officer came up and seized him by the collar. The sbirro fell on his knees, but the officer was inexorable, and he was sent to prison.

But this was by no means Caesar's intention; so, profiting by the relaxation in vigilance that had naturally come about in the garrison when the news of the capitulation had been announced, he surprised the town in the night preceding the surrender, and seized Caesar di Varano and his two sons, who were strangled a short time after, the father at La Pergola and the sons at Pesaro, by Don Michele Correglio, who, though he had left the position of sbirro for that of a captain, every now and then returned to his first business.

The sbirro who had killed Olympio happened to be arrested for another crime, and, making a clean breast, confessed that he had been employed by Monsignor Guerra to put out of the way a fellow-assassin named Olympio, who knew too many of the monsignor's secrets. Luckily for himself, Monsignor Guerra heard of this opportunely.

The list to which I have referred, which is kept at all the continental police offices, and which the eye of policeman or sbirro only can see, has created a sort of inquisition for Europe.

" To wanton it here in the moonlight with that damned swashbuckler, that brigand, that kennel-bred beast of a sbirro!" "Gonzaga! You would dare!" "Dare?" he mocked her, beside himself with passion.

Salvator Rosa for it was no other who had hastened to Antonio's help, and struck down the Sbirro was for starting off without more ado, with Antonio and the young painters who were in the devils' dresses, after the Sbirri to town.

'Chi e? says she; and I see a sbirro in the shop, eating polenta. 'Niente, niente, I say, and run. That told me that the babbo was away, and that his wife had a lover in the constabulary. Remember it, Don Francis, we may have need of her who knows? Shall I confess to you that I stole your sausage?" "Confess what you please, my dear," said I, "I shall shrive you."

If he was watched, he did not care to exhibit himself to his friends as a martyr, to tell stories of the sbirro who sometimes dogged his footsteps, nor to cry aloud that he was unjustly persecuted. He affected a character above suspicion, and rarely allowed himself to express an opinion. He was no propagator of new doctrines; that was too dangerous a trade for one of his temper.