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And Saunikoq lifted his harpoon to throw it, and the stroke could not fail. Therefore he made himself small, and crept over to one side of the skin. And when he was struck, he floundered about a little, but not too violently, lest he should break the line.

And when he had come home, he said to his wife: "Make haste and cook the breast piece." And when that breast piece was cooked, and the other kayaks had come home, he made a meat feast, and Saunikoq, thinking nothing of any matter, came in with the others. When he came in, Tungujuluk made no sign of knowing anything, but went and took out the bladder and line from his kayak.

For a long time he ran on, with the thought that some one would surely come after him. But at last he came up the hillside, without having been pursued at all. And when he came home, he told what had happened. Here ends this story. Tungujuluk and Saunikoq were men from one village. And both were wizards. When they heard a spirit calling, one would change into a bear, and the other into a walrus.

Tungujuluk had a son, but Saunikoq had no children. As soon as his son was old enough, Tungujuluk taught him to paddle a kayak. At this the other, Saunikoq, grew jealous, and began planning evil. One morning when he awoke, he went out hunting seal as usual. He had been out some time, when he went up to an island, and called for his bearskin.

And when Saunikoq had said this, Tungujuluk took that bladder and line and laid them beside the meat dish, and said: "Whose can this bladder be, now, I wonder? Aha, at last I have paid you for the time when you came in the shape of a bear, and mocked us." And when these words were said, the many who sat there laughed greatly. But Saunikoq got up and went away.

When it came, he crawled into it, and became a walrus. And when he had thus become a walrus, he went to that place where it was the custom for kayaks to hunt seal. And when he came near, he looked round, and sighted Saunikoq, who lay there waiting for seal. Now he rose to the surface quite near him, and when Saunikoq saw him, he came over that way.

And then all sat down to eat together. And they ate and were satisfied. And then each man began telling of his day's hunting. At last Saunikoq said: "To-day, when I struck a walrus, I did not think at all that it should cause me to lose my bladder float. Where that came up again is a thing we do not know. That bladder float of mine was lost."

He was just about to go up to them, when the boy went weeping home to his father, and when his father looked round, there was a big bear already close to them. He took a knife and ran towards it, and was just about to stab that bear, when it began to laugh. And then suddenly Tungujuluk remembered that his neighbour Saunikoq was able to take the shape of a bear.