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Quibus sermonibus satis constat Domitiani quoque aures verberatas, dum optimus quisque libertorum amore et fide, pessimi malignitate et livore, pronum deterioribus principem exstimulabant. Sic Agricola simul suis virtutibus, simul vitiis aliorum, in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur.

Non illi tamen in urbem, aut propinqua urbi digressi sunt: satis visum, omittere insulam, et in proximo Campaniae adspici. eo venire patres, eques, magna pars plebis, anxii erga Sejanum; cujus durior congressus, atque eo per ambitum, et societate consiliorum parabatur.

A Constantinopoli qui voluerit ire pedes, transibit statim nauigio Brachium Sancti Georgij quod satis est strictum, ibique ad Ruphinal quod est forte castrum, inde ad Puluereal, et hinc ad castrum Synopulum.

After some conversation with the elder Wykehamist, the Warden called Ambrose and put him through an examination on his attainments, which proved so satis factory, that it ended in an invitation to the brothers to fill two of the empty scholarships of the college of the dear Saint Elizabeth.

Her sister-in-law could endure no longer, and fell into a faint. Saradasankar himself entered the zenana. With folded hands, he said piteously: "Is this right? Satis is my only son. Why do you show yourself to him? Are we not your own kin? We will perform all funeral honours." Kadambini could bear no more. She said: "Oh, I am not dead, I am not dead. Oh, how can I persuade you that I am not dead?

There is no vermin in the land like him: he slanders both heaven and earth with pretended dearths when there is no cause of scarcity. He hoarding in a dear year, is like Erysicthon's bowels in Ovid: Quodque urbibus esset, quodque satis poterat populo, non sufficit uni.

He declined to be promoted to an earldom, which Queen Mary offered him at the same time when she advanced her natural brother to be Earl of Mar, and afterwards of Murray. On his refusing this honour, Mary wrote, or caused to be written, the following lines in Latin and French: Sunt comites, ducesque alii; sunt denique reges; Sethom dominum sit satis esse mihi.

Agitasse C. Caesarem de intranda Britannia satis, constat, ni velox ingenio, mobilis poenitentiae, et ingentes adversus Germaniam conatus frustra fuissent. Divus Claudius auctor operis, transvectis legionibus auxiliisque et assumpto in partem rerum Vespasiano: quod initium venturae mox fortunae fuit: domitae gentes, capti reges, et monstratus fatis Vespasianus.

Tell me, Carew, do I wake or dream or, stay, was it a soul I heard? Ay, Carew, 'twas a soul: the lad's own white, young soul. My faith, I said he was of no account! Satis verborum say no more. Humanum est errare I am a poor old fool; and there's a sour bug flown in mine eye that makes it water so!" He wiped his eyes, for the tears were running down his cheeks.

Those who say, there is never any excess in virtue, forasmuch as it is not virtue when it once becomes excess, only play upon words: "Insani sapiens nomen ferat, aequus iniqui, Ultra quam satis est, virtutem si petat ipsam." This is a subtle consideration of philosophy. A man may both be too much in love with virtue, and be excessive in a just action.