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"Oh! that little game of hide and seek is still going on, but I have not lost hope even yet. God's mills grind slowly and we must abide His own good time, His own good time." "Magnificat anima mea Dominum." The exquisite voice rose and fell daintily on the incense-laden air. "Et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo," responded the chorus in triumphant harmony.

The archdeacon hesitated for a moment, then he allowed a gloomy smile to escape, which seemed to give the lie to his response: "Credo in Deum." "Dominum nostrum," added Gossip Tourangeau, making the sign of the cross. "Amen," said Coictier. "Reverend master," resumed Tourangeau, "I am charmed in soul to see you in such a religious frame of mind.

So I dug out my little prayer-book that my mother put in my kit going away, and we all stood round bare-headed in the snow a shaggy old lot I can tell you, with chins that hadn't seen a razor for a month and I read the prayers for the day, the first and second Vespers, and Laudate Dominum and then the De Profundis.

But a short time afterwards he appears to have changed his political opinions, for when the city was captured by the Danes in 1676, Weiser met the conqueror, and greeted him with the words: Perge Triumphator reliquas submittere terras, Sic redit ad Dominum, quod fuit ante, suum. This verse was fatal to him.

Canon O'Hanlon put the Blessed Sacrament back into the tabernacle and genuflected and the choir sang Laudate Dominum omnes gentes and then he locked the tabernacle door because the benediction was over and Father Conroy handed him his hat to put on and crosscat Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey called out: O, look, Cissy!

We recognize in this insistence on external clarity of reference the same spirit as moves in the more familiar illum bonum dominum. The Chinook "neuter" may refer to persons as well as things and may also be used as a plural. Chinook is spoken in a number of dialects in the lower Columbia River valley. Psychologically the methods of sequence and accent lie at the opposite pole to that of concord.

"They will soon be here, lad," said Hugo, beside me on the wall. "Let us say, 'Sursum corda." "Ay, 'ad Dominum," I answered bravely. Now, these were our sign and countersign for our holy war that day.

The divinity of Christ implies one might almost say it means the eternal supremacy of those moral qualities which He exhibited in their perfection. 'Conversio fit ad Dominum ut Spiritum, as Bengel said. The visible or Catholic Church is not the name of an institution which has the privilege of being governed by bishops.

I say, when these in their several generations and successions shall turn to the Lord their God, either from their Gentilism and paganism, as in their first conversion to Christianity; as Tertullian observes after the resurrection of Christ, and the mission of the Holy Ghost; Aspice exinde universas nationes ex veragine erroris humani emergentes ad Dominum Deum, et ad Dominum Christum ejus.

What do the princes of Europe mean to let such things be?" "Only the old story," said Father Antonio, "Principes convenerunt in unum adversus Dominum, adversus Christum ejus." So much were all three absorbed in the subject of their thoughts, that no kind of greeting or mark of recognition passed among them, such as is common when people meet after temporary separation.