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Soft jobs?" demanded Walkworthy, with some indignation. "Ye oughter try liftin' some o' them drummers' sample-cases that I hatter wrastle with. Wal!" Then his face began to broaden and his eyes to twinkle. "Arter all, it was a soft job that I airned my hardest dollar by, for a fac'." "Let's have it, Walky," urged Marty. "Get it out of your system. You'll feel better for it."

The fat man hastily pulled off his own shoes, snatched off those of the younger man beside him and offered them to the ladies. "They won't be what you might call a stylish fit, madam," he said gallantly to Ruth, "but they'll beat broken glass for comfort." Paying no attention to their protests, he made them sit down on the sample-cases and put them on.

They were too late, however, as I had bought goods enough to supply a dozen agents. Their sales amounted to simply nothing. A day or two before Christmas they began straggling in, one after another, with their trunks and sample-cases full of goods. My safe, and every nook and corner of my office, were all filled with goods; and when my bills became due I had nothing but goods.

He was particularly fond of dime museums and the "knock-'em-down and drag-'em-out" Wild-western plays; and I saw the necessity of getting him started on the road as soon as possible, before he should become stage-struck. I had two sample-cases made, and took him on the road with me through Michigan.

"Not Walky Dexter!" exclaimed Janice, amazed. "You don't mean the liquor selling has done him harm?" "Well," Marty said slowly, "Walky takes a drink now and then. Sometimes the drummers he hauls trunks and sample-cases for give him a drink. As long as he couldn't get it in town, Walky never bothered with the stuff much. But he was a little elevated Saturday night that's right."

And Emma McChesney forgot all about fresh young kids and featherloom petticoats and discounts and bills of lading and sample-cases and grouchy buyers. After all, it had been her protecting maternal instinct which had been aroused by the boy at supper, although she had not known it then. She did not know it now, for that matter.

I had bestowed so much effort on it, and I gave myself credit for having made a fine job of it Arriving at the big store, I made my way to the sample-rooms. I did so by a freight-elevator, the passenger-cars being denied to men carrying sample-cases.

All those whose cards had been ignored except myself there were about a dozen of them picked up their sample-cases or had their porters do so and passed out without ado. As for me, I simply could not bring myself to leave "He didn't mark my card, did he?" I said to the boy "No, sir," he snapped, with a scowl. When I reached the street I paused for some minutes, as though glued to the sidewalk.

The day cars were piled across the track beyond; the threes Pullmans, smashed and heaped on top of one another, hung on the edge of the broken bridge. Gordon, with the two women and children, finally found a man who had some sense a fat drummer seated on his sample-cases calmly putting on his shoes by the light of the burning cars.

In the waiting-room of the buyers' offices I found four or five men, all of them accompanied by colored porters who carried their sample-cases for them. A neat-looking office-boy, behind a small desk, was rocking on the hind legs of his chair with an air of supreme indifference. "Will you take it in?" I said to him, handing him my card. "I want to see Mr. Huntington." "Mr.