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The Hammondsville and Salineville grades are used chiefly for stoves in domestic use, for steam purposes, and for the manufacture of gas. These grades come to market on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Blossburgh grade is used almost entirely for blacksmithing.

Farmer was among the first to avail himself of the increased facilities for business offered by the road, and embarked in the coal trade, having previously owned coal fields in Salineville. These coal fields were now worked, and the product shipped by railroad to Cleveland and other points.

Morgan's course to the river at Smith's Ferry on the border of Columbiana County was intercepted, and near Salineville he was forced to surrender with a little less than 400 men who still followed him. About 250 had surrendered in smaller bodies within a day or two before, and stragglers had been picked up at many points along the line of pursuit.

Do you know the shortest road to Salineville?” “Yes; yes.” “Will you guide us there if I spare your life?” “Anything, I will do anything, if you won’t kill me,” he whined. “Very well, but I will exchange horses with you, as I see you are riding a fine one, and he looks fresh,” remarked Calhoun.

Way had left the cars at Mingo and marched over near to Steubenville, where he began a skirmish which lasted over twenty-five miles toward Salineville, away up in Columbiana County. Here he brought Morgan to bay. The latter still fought desperately, losing 200 prisoners, and over 70 of his men killed or wounded, and skipped away.

I reckon you are about as big a coward as I ever met.” Harmon, still white and trembling, did not answer; he was too thoroughly cowed. Ride as hard as Morgan’s men could, when they neared Salineville Shackelford was pressing on their rear. They had either to fight or surrender. “My brave boys, you have done all that mortals can do. I cannot bear to see you slaughtered. I will surrender.”

Until his twenty-first year, his time was chiefly spent on his father's farm, but on attaining his majority he concluded to strike out a different path for himself, and coming north, he engages in the manufacture of salt, and in the milling business, at Salineville, Ohio. His means were small, but by assiduous attention to business he was moderately successful.

Many who had been conspicuously absent then showed themselves, and the daring deeds and hairbreadth escapes which came to light are not to be lightly referred to. At Salineville he found Morgan, pursued by Major Way, pushing for Smith's Ford on the Ohio.