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The country around is not much cultivated, and presents melancholy deserts; but there is still a quantity of corn grown. About forty miles distant, S.E., is a large salt lake. Saffee is one and a half day's journey from Mogador. Equidistant between Mazagran and Saffee is the small town of El-Waladia, situate on an extensive plain.

After proceeding two days south-west, you arrive at Saffee, or properly Asafee, called by the natives Asfee, and anciently Soffia or Saffia, is a city of great antiquity, belonging to the province of Abda, and was built by the Carthaginians near Cape Pantin. Its site lies between two hills, in a valley which is exposed to frequent inundations.

Melilla. Alhucemas. Penon de Velez. Tegaza. Provinces of Rif and Garet. Tetouan. Ceuta. Arzila. El Araish. Mehedia. Salee. Rabat. Fidallah. Dar-el-Beidah. Azamour. Mazagran. Saffee. Waladia. Morocco has been divided into States, or kingdoms by Europeans, although such divisions scarcely exist in the administration of the native princes.

The roadstead of Saffee is good and safe during summer, and its shipping once enabled it to be the centre of European commerce on the Atlantic coast. The population amounts to about one thousand, including a number of miserable Jews. The walls of Saffee are massy and high. The Portuguese captured this city in 1508, voluntarily abandoning it in 1641.

Meramer is a city built by the Goths on a fertile plain, near Mount Beni-Megher, about fourteen miles east of Saffee, in the province of Dukkala, and carrying on a great commerce in oil and grain.