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The rum-seller will only pull down his sign through the starvation of his business. With brains and stomachs kept in the highest order, the alcoholic has only the least power of the beguiling kind; it is rather a dose whose effects do not invite repetition.

She, too, was thin and pale, and had a fixed, stony look, of hopeless suffering. They came up to where he still lay upon the sofa, and stood looking down upon him in silence. "Who are you? What do you want?" the rum-seller ejaculated, raising himself up with a strange feeling about his heart. "The wife and child of one of your victims! He is dying, and wishes to see you." "Who is he?

And the rum-seller leaned upon his bar, and looked quite sad and dejected. "I wonder what has become of Bill Riley?" he at length asked, rising up with a sigh. "He hasn't been here for a week." "Dick Hilton told me to-day that he believed he had joined the teetotallers." "I feared as much.

"In hell, I suppose," replied the rum-seller, with the energy of desperation. "Exactly," was the calm reply. "And what do you think I heard and saw there? Let me tell you. I was dead for a little while, and found myself in strange quarters, as you will say, when you get there. I always thought devils had long tails, and cloven feet, horns, and all that kind of thing. But that's a vulgar error.

Now when that respectable rum-seller comes to pay his license money, he is as likely to bring that stolen dollar as any other and they are all stolen in the first place from wives and children; and when this splendid Library Association, which is an honor to the town, buys its next books, it buys them with money stolen from the Jimmy Connors of the world.

Let our citizens who have disgraced themselves by trading in clothing, and hosiery, and hardware, and lumber, and coal, take off their hats to the rum-seller, elected to particular honor. It is unsafe for any other class of men to be allowed license for Sunday work. But swing out your signs, oh ye traffickers in the peace of families, and in the souls of immortal men!

It touched on chances of gigantic wealth flung before eyes that could not see, or missed by the merest accident of time and travel; and through the mad shift of things, sometimes on horseback, more often afoot, now rich, now poor, in and out, and back and forth, deck-hand, train-hand, contractor, boarding-house keeper, journalist, engineer, drummer, real-estate agent, politician, dead-beat, rum-seller, mine-owner, speculator, cattle-man, or tramp, moved Harvey Cheyne, alert and quiet, seeking his own ends, and, so he said, the glory and advancement of his country.

"Here he is, Bill! Here he is! Don't you see him?" "Ah, yes! I see him now!" And Riley fixed his eyes, that seemed, to the rum-seller, to burn and flash like balls of fire, sending off vivid scintillations, upon him with a long and searching stare.

Apparently the name and place of the poor, low rum-seller had faded from the memory of the Albanians. He had disappeared one night after a more tremendous drunken row than usual, and had never been seen or heard of since. This was all.

If there; is not a wedding-party soon, then appearances, in this case at least, are very deceptive. "HOW much have you taken in to-day, Sandy?" asked a modern rum-seller of his bar-tender, after the doors and windows of his attractive establishment were closed for the night. "Only about a dollar, Mr. Graves. I never saw such dull times in my life." "Only about a dollar! Too bad! too bad!