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" zabs, zabs, counou ouaïe ouaïe, zabs, zabs, counou ouaïe ouaïe, Counou ouaïe ouaïe ouaïe ouaïe, Counou ouaïe ouaïe ouaïe ouaïe, Counou ouaïe ouaïe ouaïe, momza; Momza, momza, momza, momza, Roza, roza, roza-et momza." This was followed by another and still another, until the hour began to grow late. And then they gathered closer around him and heard the promised story.

THE principal characters in Pan Tadeusz are as follows. The approximate pronunciation of each proper name is indicated in brackets, according to the system used in Webster’s New International Dictionary. But the English names Thaddeus, Sophia, Eva, Rosa, Thomas, and Joseph have been substituted for the Polish forms Tadeusz, Zofia, Ewa, Roza, Tomasz, and Jozef.

To the women specifically mentioned the names of the following especially active in the campaign should be added: Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. W. I. Higgins, Mrs. J. F. Kilduff, Mrs. Tyler Thompson, Jean Bishop, Mrs. Wm. Roza, Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mrs. John Duff, Mrs. Bertha Rosenberg, Mrs. Mary Tocher, Mrs. J. M. Darroch, Mrs. W. E. Cummings, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. A. E. Richardson, Mrs.

At such times Richard, stretched upon his lion-skin, would raise himself, and lift up his face to the immense, and with his noble voice make the darkness tremble as he sang Domna, dels angels regina, Domna, roza ses espina, Domna, joves enfantina, Domna, estela marina, De las autras plus luzens!