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"Well, then," said Charley, "the first use I will make of my authority is to select a northerly route. I have been trying to recall the map of the country, which I frequently studied on board the `Rover, and I think we shall, by proceeding as I propose, fall in with the Gaboon River, at the mouth of which there is a French settlement.

It was put there in case somebody was in the vault in a trance and came to life again." "What!" ejaculated Sam. "Then that rascal must have pushed the button and opened the door from the inside." "Yes." "I'm off. He is not going to escape if I can help it." And so speaking, the youngest Rover dashed off the porch of the cottage and in the direction from whence he had come.

Anxious to know if the Josephine was anywhere in the vicinity of the isle, some of those on board the Rainbow ascended one of the masts and attempted to look across the land. But a hill shut off the view. "We'll have to wait until morning," said Mr. Rover, and was about to go down to the deck when something attracted his attention.

It was only Rover, however, who was this time wanted, and leading him to the door, Hugh pointed toward the gate, and bade him see what was there. Snuffing slightly at the storm, which was not over yet, Rover started down the walk, while Hugh stood waiting in the door.

The coastguardsman, indeed, appeared as unconcerned throughout all the fuss as if he were safe ashore in his own little cabin on the beach; while Rover kept close beside him, as he had done since Hellyer took charge of the hamper which he had brought on board the dog evidently considering himself still responsible for all the picnic goods and chattels that his young mistress had told him to watch.

Bob nearly took a dive through the hatchway of the engine-room, into which he was still peering, and Nellie fell on poor Rover, causing him to utter a plaintive howl; while, as for Mrs Gilmour, she lurched against the Captain as if she were going to embrace him with open arms, treading at the same time on his worst foot, whereon flourished a pet corn that gave the old sailor infinite trouble, which he ever guarded as the apple of his eye.

While most engaged in his own humours, two powerful seamen had, unheeded, entered the cabin; and, after silently depositing a human figure in a seat, they withdrew without speaking. It was before this personage that the Rover now found himself. The gaze was mutual, long, and uninterrupted by a syllable from either party.

"Let me go up!" exclaimed Tom, who could climb like a cat, and he started without delay. "Look out that you don't break your neck!" cried his parent. "I'll be careful," answered the fun-loving youth. "This just suits me!" he added, enthusiastically. "Can't I go, too?" asked Sam. "If you are careful," answered Mr. Rover, and up went the lad, right on the heels of his brother.

At the end of half an hour they saw that the Merrick party had started for the north side of the isle. They waited in silence until all were well out of hearing. "I am glad we are rid of them at least for the time being," said Anderson Rover. "Now we can continue the treasure hunt in peace." "But dem fellers will be suah to come back," interposed Aleck.

But that is all there is to it, except that behind it all you are a thorough-paced scoundrel and only lack a certain courage to do some daring bit of rascality." This statement of plain truths fairly set Josiah Crabtree to boiling with rage. He shook his fist in Dick's face again. "Don't dare to talk that way, Rover; don't dare or I'll I'll " "What will you do?"