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Already, in the character of Roudine, he had failed, in the strangest way, to catch the likeness of Bakounine, that fiery organiser of insurrection, whom all Europe knew, and whom he had selected as his model. Conceive Corot or Millet trying to paint some figure out of the Last Judgment after Michael Angelo!

A Russian novelist set forth the same thought; and it was the wisest character in Turgenieff's 'Dimitri Roudine' who asserted that the great misfortune of the hero was his ignorance of his native land: "Russia can get along without any of us, but we cannot do without Russia.

It is enough for the present purpose that 'Smoke, and 'Lisa, and 'On the Eve, and 'Dimitri Roudine, and 'Spring Floods, passed one after another through my hands, and that I formed for their author one of the profoundest literary passions of my life. I now think that there is a finer and truer method than his, but in its way, Tourguenief's method is as far as art can go.

It is enough for the present purpose that 'Smoke, and 'Lisa, and 'On the Eve, and 'Dimitri Roudine, and 'Spring Floods, passed one after another through my hands, and that I formed for their author one of the profoundest literary passions of my life. I now think that there is a finer and truer method than his, but in its way, Tourguenief's method is as far as art can go.

But this accusation can touch only what I have written since 1863; for until then i.e., until my forty-fifth year I lived almost uninterruptedly in Russia, except in 1848-49, when I wrote the "Annals of a Sportsman," while "Roudine," "A Nest of Nobles," "Ellen," and "Fathers and Sons" were written in Russia. But all that means nothing to the "elderly person:" son siège est fait.

In Shakespeare's Hamlet and Enobarbus, in Fielding's Squire Western, in Walter Scott's Edie Ochiltree and Meg Merrilies, in Balzac's Pere Goriot and Madame Marneff, in Thackeray's Colonel Newcome and Becky Sharp, in Turguenieff's Bazarof and Dimitri Roudine, we meet persons who exhaust for us the groups to which they severally belong.