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'Touch this vase and its diamonds; they will satisfy all the tests of sensory experience. "I examined the vase, and passed my hand over the smooth room-walls, thick with glistening gold. Each of the jewels scattered lavishly about was worthy of a king's collection. Deep satisfaction spread over my mind.

The soft glow of the candles in the old-fashioned silver candlesticks upon the table was reflected in the polished walls of the room-walls formed of panels of the most exquisitely patterned redwood burl Bryce Cardigan had ever seen. Also the panels were unusually large. Shirley Sumner's alert glance followed Bryce's as it swept around the room.

As the room-walls had pretty much a uniform temperature, the deflection of the galvanometer was but slight, when the tube-axis of the thermopile was directed anywhere outside of the hot-air current rising from the flame. When, however, the axis was directed to this current, a deflection occurred, which was as great as that from the luminous flame itself.

"I'm going to get up, sir," I said quickly; and throwing my legs off the sofa I stood up; but I had to stretch out my arms, for the room-walls seemed to run by me, the floor to rise up, and I should have fallen if the doctor had not taken my arm, giving me such pain that I cried out, and the giddiness passed off, but only came back with more intensity.