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He was beginning to enter a hypothetical caveat on this subject, and to quote several reasons why no part of the money once consigned as room-rent, could be repaid back on any pretence, without great hardship to the landlord, when Nigel, growing impatient, told him that the money was his absolutely, and without any intention on his part of resuming any of it all he asked in return was the liberty of enjoying in private the apartment he had paid for.

The low wages offered to green hands two and a half to three dollars a week might do for the girl who lived at home; but I had to pay room-rent and car-fare and to buy food. So, as long as my small capital could be made to hold out I continued my search for something that would pay at least five dollars a week to begin with.

At the publisher's at last and I, having paid my room-rent, have just a dollar in my pocket! I have been tramping about all day to-day, looking for some work. I don't care what it is I can do anything to keep alive for a week or ten days. I wonder if they will advance me some money at once. They all stare at me suspiciously. I think some of the wildness of the woods must still hang about me.

He had been getting about twenty dollars a month; which was not enough for the family to exist upon. "Our only hope is a new book," he declared; and Corydon saw that was the truth. "Each week that I stay here is a loss," he added. "I have to pay room-rent." "But can you stand tenting out in April?" asked she. "I'll chance it," he replied "if you'll say the word."

He assumes such an air." Lola felt for her first hold upon Carrie in the following manner: "Are you paying room-rent where you are?" "Certainly," answered Carrie. "Why?" "I know where I could get the loveliest room and bath, cheap. It's too big for me, but it would be just right for two, and the rent is only six dollars a week for both." "Where?" said Carrie. "In Seventeenth Street."

"What can you do to stop it?" she retorted defiantly, "Give me religion -I guess you'd tell me. Religion's all right for those on top, but say, it would be a joke if I got it. There ain't any danger. But if I did, it wouldn't pay room-rent and board." He sat mute. Once more the truth overwhelmed, the folly of his former optimism arose to mock him.

With the money Stryker was to give him he would be able to get back to London and his third-rate hostelry, but not with enough over to pay that one week's room-rent, or ... "Oh, the devil!" he groaned, head in hands. The future loomed wrapped in unspeakable darkness, lightened by no least ray of hope.

He'd been in New York two years when he met us, he said, and he hadn't earned enough money to pay his room-rent in that time. There were times when he might have got a decent little job at twelve dollars per, or so, but he would have had to meet the boys who had looked up to him as a world-beater and somehow he just couldn't tackle it.

Stevens will give that for it, which would cover the room-rent. And my brother will have to whistle for his cash or take it out in paint and canvas." She said nothing, for she had a scheme in reserve. She was content meantime to see him pinched; it brought out the firmer qualities in the man. Her own resources, moreover, were small, for the character of her boarders had fallen.

By his influence a small table was placed in the Department of Education, in a narrow space between a stairway and a wall, and on this table was deposited the first of the telephones. Bell had no intention of going to the Centennial himself. He was too poor. Sanders and Hubbard had never done more than pay his room-rent and the expense of his experiments.