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Of his 'Memoirs of Musick, readers are not accustomed to speak so gratefully as of his biographies; but the curious sketch which Dr. Rimbault edited and for the first time published in 1846, is worthy of perusal, and will maintain a place on the shelves of literary collectors by the side of his brother's 'Essay.

"The islands are low," Karara commented. "Winds and water could " "Yes! We'd better see Rimbault about a shelter if needed." If the settlement had drowsed, now its inhabitants were busy. It was decided that they could shelter in the spaceship should the storm reach hurricane proportions, but before its coming the gate must be finished.

To finish it would be a fast job." Hori flexed his hands. "We're more brawn than brain in these matters, Gordon, but you've all our help, for what it's worth. What about the ship, does it lift on schedule?" "Check with Rimbault about that. This storm, how will it compare to a Pacific typhoon?" The Samoan shook his head. "How do we know? We have not yet had to face the local variety."

"The Rev. Mr. Mr. Rimbault in his edition of Sir Thomas Overbury's Works, 8vo., 1856, p. 50." The reader cannot estimate more lightly than we do the credit which Mr. Collier thought of consequence enough for him to do an unhandsome, not to say dishonorable, act to deprive an opponent of it. By referring to White's edition of Shakespeare, Vol.