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Non la conobbe il mondo mentre l'ebbe Con ibill'io, ch'a pianger qui rimasi. That attachment was not so much a single event, as the first link in a long chain which was coiled around my heart. It were a tedious and bitter history, even were it permitted, to tell you of all the sins and misfortunes to which in afterlife that passion was connected.

Nothing else; the rest of the paper was blank. At the sight of that word I was for a moment annihilated. "Io non mori, e non rimasi vivo." Henriette! It was her style, eloquent in its brevity. I recollected her last letter from Pontarlier, which I had received at Geneva, and which contained only one word Farewell!

Non la conobbe il mondo mentre l'ebbe Con ibill'io, ch'a pianger qui rimasi. That attachment was not so much a single event, as the first link in a long chain which was coiled around my heart. It were a tedious and bitter history, even were it permitted, to tell you of all the sins and misfortunes to which in afterlife that passion was connected.

Nothing else; the rest of the paper was blank. At the sight of that word I was for a moment annihilated. "Io non mori, e non rimasi vivo." Henriette! It was her style, eloquent in its brevity. I recollected her last letter from Pontarlier, which I had received at Geneva, and which contained only one word Farewell!