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'Hardly, observed a cool voice behind them; 'Miss Marchurst dances this with me you see, Mrs Riller, as that lady turned and saw Vandeloup, 'she has not your capability at playing wallflower, with a significant glance at Bellthorp.

Then Mrs Riller, whose husband had gone home three hours before, drove away with Bellthorp, and Kitty went into Madame's room, while the sleepy servant, thankful that his vigil for the night was over, went to bed. Kitty found Madame's door ajar, and went in softly, fearful lest she might wake her.

Bellthorp had long since returned to Mrs Riller and flirtation, and Kitty had been dancing with a tall young man, with unsteady legs and an eye-glass that would not stick in his eye. She did not particularly care about Mr Jarper, with his effeminate little ways, but was quite glad when he came to carry her off from the unsteady legs and the eye-glass.

Barty grinned. 'I've seen so much of that "friendship, and nothing more", business, he said, significantly, whereupon Kitty rose to her feet. 'I'm tired, she said, coldly. 'Kindly take me to Mrs Riller. 'I've put my foot into it, thought Jarper, as he led her away. 'I believe she's spoons on Van herself.

Mrs Riller understood the look, which seemed to pierce into the very depths of her frivolous little soul, and flushed angrily as she moved away with Mr Bellthorp and mentally determined to be even with Vandeloup on the first occasion.

Kitty came under the guardianship of Mrs Riller, a young matron with dark hair, an imperious manner, and a young man always at her heels. Mrs Villiers intended to have come, but at the last moment was seized with one of her nervous fits, so decided to stop at home with Selina for company.

Poor Kestrike, surely his sin has been punished enough in having such a wife, and M. Vandeloup strolled away to speak to Mrs Riller, who, being bereft of Bellthorp, was making signals to him with her fan.

'Delighted, replied Bellthorp, languidly offering his arm, but thinking meanwhile, 'confound these women, how they do work a man. 'You, I suppose, said Mrs Riller to Kitty, 'are going to play wallflower.

Kitty, therefore, accompanied Mrs Riller to the ball, but the guardianship of that lady was more nominal than anything else, as she went off with Mr Bellthorp after introducing Kitty to Mrs Meddlechip, and flirted and danced with him the whole evening.

Barty Jarper was talking near them, in his mild little way, to a tall young lady in a bilious-looking green dress, and further off Mr Bellthorp was laughing with Mrs Riller behind the friendly shelter of her fan. 'Well, said Vandeloup, amiably, as he sank into a seat beside Kitty, 'what is this great matter you wish to speak about? 'Madame Midas, retorted Kitty, looking straight at him.