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And in consequence of the ability and dexterity of the charioteers of both those warriors, both displayed, O king, beautiful circles and advancings and retreatings in respect of their moving cars. And, O monarch, seeing the opportunity to strike, they frequently changed positions, O king, for obtaining what they sought.

But Philipsburg being taken, there is no longer the least event to be spoken of; the Campaign passed into a series of advancings, retreatings, facing, and then right-about facings, painful manoeuvrings, on both sides of the Rhine and of the Neckar, without result farther to the French, without memorability to either side.

He tried to stop the eternal spinning, but it went remorselessly on; and presently the face was gone; but not till it had given him ease of his pain. Then came fighting, fighting, nothing but fighting endless charges of cavalry, continuous wheelings and advancings and retreatings, and the mad din of drums; afterwards, in a swift quiet, the deep, even thud of the horses' hoofs striking the ground.

He tried to stop the eternal spinning, but it went remorselessly on; and presently the face was gone; but not till it had given him ease of his pain. Then came fighting, fighting, nothing but fighting endless charges of cavalry, continuous wheelings and advancings and retreatings, and the mad din of drums; afterwards, in a swift quiet, the deep, even thud of the horses' hoofs striking the ground.

Cambray, between the fits of reading Middleton's Cicero, was Miss Eliza Darrell, the youngest of the three sisters: she was not yet come out, though in the mean time allowed to appear at Castle Hermitage; and she was so naive, and so timid, and so very bashful, that Sir Ulick was forced always to bring her into the room leaning on his arm; she could really hardly walk into a room and if any body looked at her, she was so much distressed and there were such pretty confusions and retreatings, and such a manoeuvring to get to the side-table every day, and "Sir Ulick so terribly determined it should not be."