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Chick has got a splendid glass one. i made mine out of a butter firkin. i sawed it off half way and then washed it out with soft soap and rensed it 2 or 3 times and then i put in some white sand and stones and i have got some little minnies and kivies and a little pickerel. it looks splendid and i change the water every 3 days. May 24. Nothing particular today.

Beany he wood try to hold back until his ear nearly puled of and then he wood come along. well Mister Hirvey snaiked him rite into his saloon and said, did you put that pepersass into my creemcakes, and Beany he said he dident, and Mister Hirvey said i dont want enny lying, and said that Beany and the long leged Shute boy were the last ones in the place and that one of us did it. and Beany he said he dident and he saw me with the pepersass bottel in my hand and Mister Hirvey he said now you have got to eat that creemcake or take a good licking and he took his cane, and held Beany by the coller and said 1 and Beany dident eat it, and then he said 2 and Beany dident eat it and then he said 3 and he hit Beany a auful whack over the legs and Beany hollered like time and held on to his legs, and then Mister Hirvey he said 1 again and Beany dident eat it and he said 2 and Beany dident eat it and jest as he said 3 Beany he grabed it and took a bite and tride to swaller it and i thought i shood die to see him, he spit and clawed at his mouth and he howled and jumped up and down and then he ran over to Charles Toles pump and rensed his mouth and drank out of the horse troth and Mister Hirvey and the man like to dide laffing. i waited till they went in and then i went over to see Beany and when i asked him how he liked the creemcake he said i was a long leged puke. this was one of the times that Beany got cought and i dident.