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"Dicat films Albini: si de quincunce remota est uncia, quid superat? poteras dixisse." "triens." "eu! rem poteris servare tuam." This familiar passage may be quoted once more to illustrate the practical nature of the Roman school teaching and the ends which it was to serve.

The duke replied to the cardinal January 22d, assuring him that his daughter-in-law would meet with a most affectionate reception. Spogli di Giambattista Almerici. i, 284. Ms. in the Oliveriana in Pesaro. Si per attendere a lavarse il capo, como anche per essere assai solitaria et remota di soa natura. Despatch from Rimini, January 22, 1502. Ferrante to Ercole, Rimini, January 23, 1502.

Now, my friends, that you may put in for a share of this new wisdom, and shake off the antiquated folly this very moment, scratch me out of your scrolls and quite discard the symbol of the old philosopher with the golden thigh, by which he has forbidden you to eat beans; for you may take it for a truth granted among all professors in the science of good eating, that he enjoined you not to taste of them only with the same kind intent that a certain fresh-water physician had when he did forbid to Amer, late Lord of Camelotiere, kinsman to the lawyer of that name, the wing of the partridge, the rump of the chicken, and the neck of the pigeon, saying, Ala mala, rumpum dubium, collum bonum, pelle remota.

At tu, cui venti, cui totum militat aequor, Regina, o mundi totius vna, decus, Sic regnare Deo perge, ambitione remota, Prodiga sic opibus perge iuuare pios, Vt te Angli longum, longum Anglis ipsa fruaris, Quam dilecta bonis, tam metuenda malis. The same in English.

Ultro may well enough be rendered moreover or even, thus giving emphasis to emere. Devortia itinerum. Bye roads, explained by avia, as longinquitas is by remota. The object of requiring the people to convey their contributions to such distant and inconvenient points, was to compel them to buy of the Romans, or to pay almost any sum of money to avoid compliance.

Contentus videlicet vita libera, remota a turbis, studiisque porro percolendis unice impensa, ubi non cogeretur alia dicere et simulare, alia sentire et dissimulare: affectuum studiis rapi, regi.

Ferdinand of Spain being now a much more powerful king than John of Portugal, the Pope granted all that Spain asked, but was careful not to admit that Columbus had discovered the real India; for the bull refers only to "insulae et terra firma remota et incognita" or "islands and a remote and unknown mainland." Meanwhile, all sorts of intrigues were going on between the two monarchs.

Frumenti et tributorum auctionem aequalitate munerum mollire, circumcisis, quae, in quaestum reperta, ipso tributo gravius tolerabantur: namque per ludibrium assidere clausis horreis et emere ultro frumenta, ac vendere pretio cogebantur: devortia itinerum et longinquitas regionum indicebatur, ut civitates a proximis hibernis in remota et avia referrent, donec, quod omnibus in promptu erat, paucis lucrosum fieret.

Sec. 5, 6, 9; ch. vii. No. 172. Monday, September 17, 1711. Steele. 'Non solum Scientia, quae est remota a Justitia, Calliditas potius quam Sapientia est appellanda; verum etiam Animus paratus ad periculum, si sua cupiditate, non utilitate communi impellitur, Audaciae potius nomen habeat, quam Fortitudinis. Plato apnd Tull.