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Regi tamen et regno fidelis et obediens, nec non faciliter legibus subdita, si regatur.... Scotica gens ea ab initio est quae quondam in Hibernia fuit, et ei similis per omnia, lingua, moribus, et natura." Scoti-chronicon, Bk. ii, ch. ix.

Huic tamen dicto parum curaui accommodare aurem, nisi quod communiter dicebatur, in bene transacto tempore praedicta fuisse tentata per duas personas, vnum Regem, et alterum Pastorem. Et Regi quidem quod indebitam fecit petitionem, vile successit negotium, pastori peroptime successit negotium. In Armenia maiori, est magna et bona ciuitas Artyron ad dietam prope fluuium Euphratem.

Harpagus made answer, though with an heavy heart, Quod regi placet, id mihi quoque placet; "Whatsoever pleaseth the king, that also pleaseth me." And here we have an ensample of a flatterer, or dissembler: for this Harpagus spake against his own heart and conscience.

"Forma sive ordinatio Capelli illustrissimi et xianissimi principis Henvici Sexti Regis Anglie et Francie am dm Hibernie descripta serenissio principi Alfonso Regi Portugalie illustri per humilem servitorem sm Willm. Sav. Decanu capelle supradicte." It seemed a voice from the olden times of my dear native land!

On one of the head-walls, or rather, ends, are two scenes, and between them an oval, in which is the portrait of King Philip, with this inscription: PHILIPPO HISPANIARUM REGI MAXIMO, OB EXIMIA IN DOMUM FARNESIAM MERITA.

Post hos intrantes simili modo praelati et Abbates, de iurisdictionibus et religionibus Paganorum offerunt singuli pro suo statu se reuerenter inclinantes maiestati, et maior praelatorum benedicit Regi, et suis ac Curiae quadam suae legis oratione.

Vnde universae Fortunatae, nunc Canariae dicuntur, Hispaniarum Regi subjectae. Vltra versus Septemtrionem est Cerne, nunc Madera dicta. Thegiptians also for thieues, had this lawe alone, and no people els. The lawe commaunded that as many as would steale, should entre their names with the chief Prieste: and what so euer was stollen, incontinente to cary the same vnto hym.

A maxim of Henry Spigurnel, a judge in the time of Edward I., is reported, that "where a man is killed by a cart, or by the fall of a house, or in other like manner, and the thing in motion is the cause of the death, it shall be deodand." /5/ So it was said in the next reign that "oinne illud quod mover cum eo quod occidit homines deodandum domino Regi erit, vel feodo clerici." /1/ The reader sees how motion gives life to the object forfeited.

Simile factum est regnum coelorum homini regi qui fecit nuptias filio suo. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which married his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that, &c.

One of them in his ramble, discovered, and brought to our commander, in the evening, a quart bottle, fastened with some wire to a projecting rock on the north side of the harbour. This bottle contained a piece of parchment, on which was written the following inscription: Ludovico XV. Galliarum rege et d. de Boynes regi a Secretis ad Res maritimas annis 1772 et 1773.