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"In den heitern Regionen Wo die reinen Formen wohnen." From this revery Leonard did not seek to rouse himself, till the bell at the garden gate rang loud and shrill; and then starting up and hurrying into the hall, his hand was grasped in Harley's.

The western Slavs in general and the sons of Czech in particular, had their flights of fairies, sprites, pixies and other lovable immortals. They are here still; even I, a stranger, claim to have heard them in "den heiteren Regionen, wo die reinen Formen wohnen," on the sun-kissed snow of the mountains, in the whispering voices of the forest and the song of the burn in the glen.

Your wife, with whom I have had an interesting conversation, upon the principles of aesthetical philosophy " "My wife! Charlotte! She knows nothing about aesthetical philosophy." "She calls it by another name, but she understands it well enough to illustrate the principles by example. She tells me that labour and duty are so taken up by you 'In den heitern Regionen Wo die reinen Formen wohnen,

"In den heitern Regionen Wo die reinen Formen wohnen." From this revery Leonard did not seek to rouse himself, till the bell at the garden gate rang loud and shrill; and then starting up and hurrying into the hall, his hand was grasped in Harley's.

Your wife, with whom I have had an interesting conversation, upon the principles of aesthetical philosophy " "My wife! Charlotte! She knows nothing about aesthetical philosophy." "She calls it by another name, but she understands it well enough to illustrate the principles by example. She tells me that labour and duty are so taken up by you 'In den heitern Regionen Wo die reinen Formen wohnen,