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It is good that children of faculty, as distinguished from capacity, should not have too many books to read, or too much of early lessoning. The increase of examinations in our country will increase its capacity and diminish its faculty. We shall have more compilers and reducers and fewer thinkers; more modifiers and completers, and fewer inventors.

It was the scholastic notion of a material substance unapproachable by us, BEHIND the external world, deeper and more real than it, and needed to support it, which Berkeley maintained to be the most effective of all reducers of the external world to unreality.

Ellis's reducers that his words were weighty. And when at last Shuey said, "I got what you need," Mrs. Ellis listened. "You need a bike, no less," says Shuey. "But I never could ride one!" said Margaret, opening her pretty brown eyes and wrinkling her Grecian forehead. "You'd ride in six lessons." "But how would I look, Cardigan?" "You'd look noble, ma'am!"

Damon it seemed to consist of an amazing collection of pipes, valves, baffle-plates, chambers, cylinders and reducers, which took the hot exhaust gases as they came from the motor and "ate them up," as he expressed it. "The cylinders, too, and the spark plugs are differently arranged in the motor itself, if you could see them," said Tom to his friend.

Hook on your own reducer and suck it full with your pump; then it will siphon down." "Got reducers, Sampson?" "Got several. Guess we can start the flow."