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There, there, don't worry about its going up to the shoulder, Lieutenant. We'll save the arm, never fear." And then, without examining that arm at all, proceeded to rebandage the maimed hand and replace it in the supporting sling; and, afterward, went over and talked with Aunt Ruth before passing out and going round to his side of the divided house.

After this the thick tongue stumbled over some word like "Guadiva," and a little later he seemed in his troubled dreams to be struggling up a rugged height, for he complained of the stones which fretted his feet. Wilson managed to pour a spoonful of brandy down his throat and to rebandage the wound which had begun to bleed again.

"I've had a rather nasty accident, George," he said. "I've cut my hand pretty badly. Only not a soul must know about it you understand?" I nodded, and then at his request I assisted him to wash the wound and rebandage it. "What's been the matter?" I asked with curiosity. "Nothing very much," was his hard reply. "You'll probably know all about it to-morrow. The papers will be full of it.

He'd kept close up to me all the time, I realised. And then old Park turned up very cheerful with a weak bayonet jab in his forearm that he wanted me to rebandage. It was good to see him practically all right too. "'I took two prisoners, I said, and everybody I spoke to I told that. I was fearfully proud of it.

It was going on in so very mixed a manner that he telephoned he should not return to lunch prophesying long after the event. It was turning dusk when he started on his second round of visits homeward, stopping on the outskirts to rebandage, in one of the tenements, a child's broken arm.

Lying flat on the rock, he stretched his head forward and drank deeply of the ice-cold pool beside which he lay. The violent exertion of reaching the height had started the ruptured artery anew, and his first work was crudely to cleanse the wound and attempt to rebandage it.

Fergus drank half of the contents of the flask, and then handed it to Karl. "You finish it up," he said. "You want it as much as I do." "Not so much, master; but I want it badly enough, I own." Having drank, he proceeded to rebandage his master's wounds, first laying on them rolls of lint he took from his own saddlebag. "I never go on a campaign without lint and a bandage or two," he said.

The camp quieted down after a time. In one corner, Ruth had a shelter of rugs which had been brought up from the boat, and she retired to this after helping her father dress and rebandage Drew's foot. The captain, as so many skippers are, was a good amateur surgeon; and as far as he could discern there were no bones broken.

He marked the entrance of the bullet, and concluded that it had just touched the upper lobe of her lung. Perhaps the wound in the lung had also closed. As he began to wash the blood stains from her breast and carefully rebandage the wound, he was vaguely conscious of a strange, grave happiness in the thought that she might live.

Without cutting down to the bone I cannot tell how badly it is splintered and, in the state of inflammation that it is now in, I could not venture upon that. I can only rebandage it again, and give you a lotion to pour over it, from time to time. "Tell me frankly what you are. You can trust me. "'I am a sailor, I said, 'captain of my own craft.