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But he did not realize that in three short years He had expended his vital strength so utterly, that there was no reserve to fall back upon. There had been an inward consumption, an exhaustion of nervous power, a wearing down of the springs of vitality. He shone because of the fire that burned within Him.

But it does mean that we may produce in schools a projection in type of the society we should like to realize, and by forming minds in accord with it gradually modify the larger and more recalcitrant features of adult society.

That moment came later, as I shall record. It was rather that; as, in certain states of the weather, long before sunset one may be suddenly aware that afternoon is past and evening approaches; so, though I had no intimation at the moment, yet, reviewing my memories I realize that at that instant began the chain of trivial circumstances which led up to my calamity and enmeshed me in ruin.

What an advantage for them to grow up among such associations! Even though he cares nothing about these things himself he might realize that. Is there nothing I could say by way of explanation? To them, I mean? If someone were to explain to them how unfortunately limited he is in these things " "I'm afraid I cannot advise you," said Imogen decidedly, "but that, at least, seems to me impossible."

Europe does not dream, and we ourselves do not realize until we come carefully to think of it, what the oyster does for us.

As for Phil, she has no memories outside her native land except early ones of Paris and, though she has a natural instinct for the preservation of her young life, I don't doubt that every motion of the big boat in the night made her realize how infinitely more decorous it would be to drown on the "Batavier 4" than in a newfangled motor thing on an obscure foreign canal.

But fancy wove the story for him. He must have a story with which to realize that her heart really was aching. "If there's no story," he said, "I shan't really believe you're sad." So they sat on the side of the hills, looking out over the head of the tired old man the little town of Cailsham and seeing with their eyes what the tired old man saw all day long the abundant garden of England.

"I quite understand, Miss Lawton, and I realize how difficult the situation is for you, but I want you to trust no one at least, to the extent of giving them your confidence. Now about the will; it was produced by your late father's attorneys?" "No, by President Mallowe, of the Street Railways. It appears that Father left it in his charge. Mr. Anderson drew it; his partner, Mr.

"Sit down and make yourself comfortable." Monte lighted a cigarette, sank into a near-by chair, and waited. "Beatrice said she told you," began Peter. "She did," answered Monte; "I'd congratulate you if it would n't be so manifestly superfluous." "I did n't realize she was an old friend of yours." "I've known her for ten years," said Monte. "It's wonderful to have known her as long as that.

"Let it be the latter, if you like," laughed Ivan, "since modern realism has so perverted your taste that you feel unable to realize anything from the world of fancy.... Let it be a quid pro quo, if you so choose it.