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They knew it was not their blood Mrs Ranyard was seeking. Roy kept his back turned and studiously refrained from hoping.... "If you two have quite finished breaking up the Empire...?" said Miss Arden's voice at his elbow. She had approached so quietly that he started. Worse still, he knew she had seen.

She was soon busy in many ways, in mothers' meetings, Bible classes, industrial kitchens, dormitories, refuges, and in visiting with the Bible women. In every department of that varied work she was most helpful to Mrs. Ranyard, even taking the whole charge of the mission for two months while the latter was absent in Switzerland.

In 1870, Mr. Ranyard whose death, December 14, 1894, was a serious loss to astronomy acting upon an earlier suggestion of Sir William Huggins, collected records of unusual appearances on the disc of Jupiter, with a view to investigate the question of their recurrence at regular intervals. He concluded that the development of the deeper tinges of colour, and of the equatorial "port-hole" markings girdling the globe in regular alternations of bright and dusky, agreed, so far as could be ascertained, with epochs of sun-spot maximum. The further inquiries of Dr. Lohse at Bothkamp in 1873 went to strengthen the coincidence, which had been anticipated

They showed a corona of simpler form than that of the year before, but not yet of the pronounced type first associated by Mr. Ranyard with the lowest stage of solar activity. The genuineness of the association was ratified by the duplicate spectacle of the next-ensuing minimum year. Two total eclipses of the sun distinguished 1889.

I wonder does that hurt you? It hurts me horribly. I need hardly say he didn't give you away. It was things you said and Mrs Ranyard. Anyhow, that last evening, I insisted on having the truth. But I couldn't write about it sooner for fear of saying things I'd regret afterwards. "Rose what possessed you? A man worth fifty of me! Of course, I know loving doesn't go by merit.

Her happy work in London was brought to a premature conclusion by a telegram announcing that her sister was ill of fever in Rome, followed by another begging her to go to her at once. A journey thither was not such an easy one then as it is now, but, after arranging all her work so as to give Mrs. Ranyard as little trouble as possible, Agnes bravely undertook it.

Proctor in his posthumous work, "The Old and the New Astronomy," edited and completed by Mr. A.C. Ranyard, as an element in extending the illumination of Venus to more than a hemisphere of her surface.

Voices and laughter heralded an influx of bridge players; Mrs Ranyard, with Barnard, Miss Garten, and Dr Wemyss. A table of three women and one man did not suit the little lady's taste. "We're a very scratch lot. And we want fresh blood!" she announced carnivorously, as the pair in the alcove rose and came forward. The two men rose also, but went on with their talk.

Ranyard remarked the cliffs and pinnacles of the moon bear witness, by their unworn condition, to the efficiency of atmospheric protection against meteoric bombardment; and Mr. Pickering shows that it could be afforded by such a tenuous envelope as that postulated by him.

In his splendid volume on eclipses, with which the systematic study of coronal structure may be said to have begun, Mr. Ranyard first generalised the synclinal peculiarity by a comparison of records; but the symmetry of the arrangement, though frequently striking, is liable to be confused by secondary formations.