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"Order all battleships to the nearest power-feed station, and command that all power available be transmitted to the station attacked. I believe it will be this one. There is no limit on the power transmission lines, and we need all possible power," he commanded his son, now in charge of all land and spatial forces. "And Ranstud, what happened to that molecular ray screen?" "I do not know.

"He was a fool," said the scientist softly, as he rose, "to plan on removing his scientist. Are there any who object to my succession?" "No one objects," said Faslar, the ex-king's Prime Minister and councilor. "Then I think, Phantal, Commander of planetary forces, that you had best see Ranstud, my assistant, and follow out the plan outlined by my predecessor.

They probably worked under a time field, for they accomplished an impossible amount of work in the period they were gone." Ranstud had come up behind them, and overheard the later part of this conversation. "And what," he asked suddenly, "did your meters tell you when our ray opened his ship?"

The family of Thadstil would be glad to learn who removed that honored gentleman, and the family of Datstir would gladly support him who brought the remover of their head to them. "This would remove two unwelcome menaces, and open places for such as Ranstud and your son Warrtil.

Can you do it?" "I can, Oh Sthanto, if but a sufficient number of powerful minds may be brought to aid me," replied the youngest of the four councilmen. "And you, Ranstud, are the stations ready?" asked the ruler. "We are ready."

So might he suck the power from the inconceivably greater generators of the Suns. I believe that we should treat with them, for if they be like the peace-loving fools of Venone, we might win a respite in which to learn their secret." Ranstud walked away slowly.

I cannot understand such power. "But what most worries me is his wall of darkness," said Ranstud seriously. "But he was forced to retire for all his wall of darkness, as you saw. "He can maintain it but a short time, and it was full of holes when he fled."