United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Of these last there were but three, one from his steward, one from Harley L'Estrange, one from Randal Leslie. It was his custom to answer his correspondence at his office; and to his office, a few minutes afterwards, he slowly took his way.

If one could have pierced into Egerton's gloomy heart as he noted the young man's change of tone, it may be a doubt whether one would have seen there pain or pleasure, pain, for merely from the force of habit he had begun to like Randal, or pleasure at the thought that he might have reason to withdraw that liking.

"We must stir him up and hear these martial memories. I want some new incidents, and shall book all I can get, if I may." Here Randal was interrupted by Saul himself, who came in with an armful of wood for the fire. "Anything more I can do for you, cousin?" he asked, surveying the scene with a rather wistful look. "Only come and sit with us and talk over war times with Mr. Randal."

"Ah, sir," said Randal, with much apparent emotion, "your son may well love you: and it seems to be a hard matter for so kind a heart as yours to preserve the proper firmness with him." "Oh, I can be firm enough," quoth the squire, "especially when I don't see him, handsome dog that he is: very like his mother don't you think so? "I never saw his mother, sir." "'Gad! Not seen my Harry?

"Oh, don't!" screams Miss Gower. "For Heaven's sake don't make any more holes!" "Why not?" says Randal. "We all can die but once!" "But we can live for a long time yet." "I can't," says he. "Honour calls me. Naught is left me but to die." Here he stands up and begins to beat frantically upon the bottom of the boat, as if to make a fresh hole. "Oh, darling boy, don't! Seven hundred pounds, is it?

He was not afraid of offending his brother, for Randal knew him as he knew Randal. But a man does not throw himself into the sea just because there is a lifebuoy handy. Secure, therefore, in his power to escape, it was not until this afternoon that he found decision forced upon him. If he went, there was good chance of freedom; if he stayed, no chance at all.

Still, if they are not paid, the election can be upset, petition for bribery and corruption; and if they are paid, why, Lansmere may be your seat for life." RANDAL. "Your expenses shall be paid the moment my marriage gives me the means to pay them, and that must be very soon." DICK. "So Levy says. And my little jobs the private bills?" RANDAL. "Consider the bills passed and the jobs done."

I went with them a few times, and saw how useful and pleasant it was, and wanted to help, as other kind girls only a little older than I did. Eva Randal read a letter from a friend in Russia one time, and the girls enjoyed it very much. That reminded me of my brother George's lively journals, written when he was abroad. You remember how we used to laugh over them when he sent them home?

How lucky it was that I should turn in here. Not like me either, for I don't much care for a ducking. Staying in town, Randal?" "Yes; at your uncle's, Mr. Egerton. I have left Oxford." "For good?" "For good." "But you have not taken your degree, I think? We Etonians all considered you booked for a double-first. Oh, we have been so proud of your fame, you carried off all the prizes."

In the mean while, Dick kept the canvass-book of the Yellows as closely as Harley kept that of the Blues; and in despite of many pouting fits and gusts of displeasure, took precisely the same pains for Leonard as Harley took for Randal. There remained, however, apparently unshaken by the efforts on either side, a compact body of about a Hundred and Fifty voters, chiefly freemen.