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For althoughe they marye as many wiues as they luste, and are able to kepe: no degre prohibited, but mother, doughter, and sister: yet are thei as rancke bouguers with mankinde, and with beastes, as the Saracenes are, and no punishmente for it amonge them. The woman that thei marie, thei neuer take as wife, ne receiue any dowrie with her, vntill she haue borne a childe.

Wherto when thei had agreed, it was harde to saye whether of the peoples had receiued the greater dammage. The Saracenes, in yelding to them the haulf right of their kingdome: or the other, whiche for coueteousnes thereof yelded them selues to so rancke, and wicked a poyson of all vertue and godlynes.

Gates, Somers, and Newport with others of "rancke and quality" were upon the Sea Adventure. How fared this ship with one attendant pinnace we shall come to see presently. But the other ships, driven to and fro, at last found a favorable wind, and in August they sighted Virginia.

As for precious stones, Beralle, Prasnes, Diamantes, firie Carbuncles and Pearles of all sortes, be founde there in greate plentie. They haue twoo Sommers, softe pimpelyng windes, a milde aier, a rancke soile, and abundaunce of watre. Diuerse of them therefore liue an hundred and thirtie yeres. Namely emong the Musicanes. And emong the Serites, yet somewhat longer.

Nor will the shott stay there, but with full violence Run through the rancke of frends, disperse and totter The best and fairest hopes thy fame was built on. Leid. What have I done, how am I foold and cozend! What shall redeeme me from this Ignoraunce! Bar. Not any thing thou aymst at, thou art lost: A most unpittied way thou falst. Leid.

Indians euery one laden with a basket full of Mulberries: for there be many, and those very good, from Culifa-chiqui thither, and so forward in other Prouinces, and also nuts and plummes. And the trees grow in the fields without planting or dressing them, and are as big and rancke, as though they grew in gardens digged and watered.

Confesse to one of us what rancke and foule impostumes Have bred about your soule. What Leprosies Have run ore all your Conscience. What hott feavers Now shake your peace of mind. For we are come To cure your old Corruptions. We are come To be your true and free Physitians. Without the hope of gold, to give you health. To sett you on your feete on the right way. To Palestine, the New Jerusalem.