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It seems to be specially prized by children, perhaps in part because of its unusual shape and in part by its aromatic fragrance; but it is not a high-class apple, and is now little seen. With the Rambo, Vandevere, some of the russets, Early Harvest, Jersey Sweet and other old worthies, it probably will pass away unless rescued here and there by the amateur.

He got up to find that the monkey had burst in through the outside window. Rambo was bleeding and shivering on the floor. "Hello, this is strange!" exclaimed Bob, roused up also from sleep. "I say, Frank, I smell smoke!" "That's so," replied Frank quickly. "Where does it come from?" They ran out into the corridor, to quickly trace the smoke to its source. It evidently proceeded from the attic.

"Yes, I can hear it scratching," put in Ritchie. "Oho!" exclaimed Frank, enlightened now. "This end up handle with care. I know." "Know what, Jordan?" inquired Ned. But Frank did not answer. He had detached the shipping tag, and was reading some words written on its reverse side. "I am sending you my special pet, Rambo," the scrawl read, "because nothing is too good for you.

After a few frosts, we could almost get tipsy on those apples; there was not a tree in our orchard that had the spicy, teasing tang of Johnny Appleseed's apples. Then too, the limbs could be sawed off and rambo and maiden's-blush grafted on, if you wanted to; father did on some of them, so there would be good apples lying beside the road for passers-by, and they needn't steal to get them.

When they reached the Rambo farm-house, it was necessary that he should give his hand to help her down from the clumsy carriage. He held it but a moment; yet in that moment a gentle pulse throbbed upon his hard palm, and he mechanically set his teeth, to keep down the impulse which made him wild to hold it there forever. "Thank you, Mr. Clare!" said Miss Bartram, and passed into the house.

It was at the instigation of English settlers that the states of Johore, Singapore, Rambo, Talangore, Pahang, and Puah became subject to British rule; so that to-day the Siamese dominion, starting from the little kingdom of Tringamu, extends from the fourth to the twenty-second degree of north latitude, giving about 1,350 miles of length, while from east to west its greatest breadth is about 450 miles.

He was given permanent quarters in Frank's room, and was treated like a hero by the academy boys. Another box came to Frank a few days later from his father in the sunny South. It was filled with oranges, pineapples and other luscious fruits, and there was a gay supper in Frank's room that night. Even Gill Mace and his crowd were invited, and little Rambo was an honored guest at the banquet.

The word went around, and Rambo held quite a reception. A drink of water and a cracker put the animal in rare good humor, and he began to show off. Rambo would sit in a chair and hold a book, pretending to read. He could whirl around, hanging by his tail from a hook in the ceiling. His agility, displayed in springs, curvets and climbing, was something prodigious.

This was not true, but obedient to the suggestion of the monitor, until the faculty could act in the affair, Frank shut Rambo up in a room in the unused attic nights, not wishing to trust him along with the other animals in the academy stables. This was a providential move, it developed later. The second night of Rambo's isolation, toward morning, Frank was awakened by the crash of glass.

Once again, the day before she left the Rambo farmhouse to return to the city, she came upon him, alone. She had wandered off to the Brandywine, to gather ferns at a rocky point where some choice varieties were to be found.