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Why shouldn't there be cities of refuge, now, Kirkbright? Men are mapping out towns for their own gain, all over the land, wherever a water power or a railroad gives the chance for one to grow; why not build a Hope for the hopeless? Nowhere on earth could that be done as it could in our own land!"

Parmlee might not have a railroad in his pocket, but that at least he didn't have to wait for the Flood to call on young ladies, nor did he usually come in pairs, for all the world as if he had been let out of Noah's Ark, but on horseback and like a Christian by the front door.

The line of the Confederate retreat was stripped bare of supplies and forage, and every energy was devoted to rebuilding railroad bridges and getting the road opened to Pulaski so that wagon transportation might be limited to the region beyond the head of the rails. Thomas had ordered Steedman's and R. S. Granger's divisions to Decatur by rail, going by way of Stevenson.

"It is so, señor." "How do you know?" "I cannot say. But it is so. They have left the railroad and are following us." Waring smiled in the dark. "Dex, here, has been trying to tell me that for an hour." "And still the señor does not hasten!" "I am giving your cayuse a chance to make the grade. We'll ride an hour longer." Ramon bowed his head.

Nevertheless, I felt that she knew it already, for one glance had made many things manifest when we first entered the cañon. "Grace," I said huskily, "I want you to listen while I answer a question which, without speaking, you asked me Why should I, a rough railroad contractor, esteem it an inestimable privilege to freely lay down my life for you?

Not many people were able to travel. It is recorded that on one trip from Montgomery to Mobile and return, a distance of 360 miles, the railroad which is now the Louisville and Nashville collected only thirteen dollars in fares.

I came to town this evening prepared to show you a decent way out of your troubles, so far as this State is concerned; but since you have posted your 'de-fi, as we cow-punchers say, I reckon it isn't worth while to wade any deeper into the creek." Again the railroad magnate rested his arms on the table-edge.

When he arrived almost at Railroad street, his own home, the water was already in the roadway, and in less than one minute its whole bulk was coming, twisting trees and rolling rocks before it. In just eight minutes from the time he first saw it the water had carried away the bridge and was on its career of death and destruction.

Still the great purpose was the development of the Northwest, and wise public men might have seen that the populous free States of the Northwest would inevitably win and make the 400,000 square miles of Nebraska free territory; and if the railroad bills which Douglas supported and tied to his main measure by all kinds of promises passed, the supremacy of the Northwest would be certain.

A row of telegraph-poles, which had doubtless once been trees, straggled along the line of the railroad, a few miles to the north, and his own windmill indicated the presence of water underground.