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Beside him were several well-remembered natives, and on the opposite side of the room, also chained, were the women of the party, among whom were Ramatoa, Ra-Ruth, Rafaravavy, her maid Sarah, and the poor mother of Mamba. "Ravonino!" exclaimed Mark, in tones of profound sorrow, as he sat down beside his old guide, "I little thought to find you in such a strait."

Of course the girl spoke in the native tongue, which was quite incomprehensible to our travellers, but if we are to enlighten our readers we must needs translate as we go along. "My sister, Ra-Ruth," said the guide, presenting her to his new friends. "She was a lady in the palace of the queen once. Now she is an outlaw, like myself has fled from tyranny, and, perhaps, death.

"Oh! no, no! do not go yet," exclaimed Ra-Ruth in an agony of grief, as she clung to her friend. "The good Lord cannot mean this oh! take me! take me! and let her stay!" The sentence ended in a low wail, for at the moment two soldiers forced the girls asunder, and Ra-Ruth sank upon the floor, while Ramatoa was led away. Poor Laihova had watched every movement of Ra-Ruth.

The chief, Voalavo, was there, however, deeply engaged in studying yes, studying The Pilgrim's Progress! But he could not make much of it, his education at the hands of Ra-Ruth having commenced only a few weeks before.

There was a rustling in the bushes, and next moment, Laihova, springing out, clasped Ra-Ruth in his arms. "Thank God," he said, in deep earnest tones, as he released her. "I am not too late!" "Brother," said Ramatoa, anxiously, laying a hand on the man's arm, "are you alone?" "Yes. Have not Ravoninohitriniony and Rafaravavy arrived?" "No. And and what of Mamba?" asked Ramatoa.

I was born the year that Radama died. Ranavalona was fond of her, though she loved not her Christianity, so she continued at the palace. The Queen also became very fond of my little sister when she began to grow to womanhood, but Ra-Ruth could not return the affection of one whose hands were stained so deeply with Christian blood.

A murmur of mingled surprise and pity broke from the crowd. At that moment the Secretary came forward. "The Queen," he said, "has sent me to ask you, Ra-Ruth, whether you will not worship our gods and save your life." "No," answered the girl, firmly.

"It is not I who give it, but the Lord," returned Ra-Ruth. "And you forget, mother, that I am old in experience. When I stood on the edge of the Rock of Hurling, that awful day, and saw the dear ones tossed over one by one, I think that many years passed over my head!" "True true," returned the other, "I am a selfish old woman forgetting others when I think so much of myself.

It was a sad occasion when they met in the house of their old guide Ravonino, to spend the last evening with him and Rafaravavy, and Laihova, and Ra-Ruth, Reni-Mamba and her husband, Voalavo, Soa, Totosy, the Secretary, and other friends, but it was also a time of pleasant communing about days that seemed so long past, although so recent.

A larger space at the end of the cave, opposite to that on which Mark and his comrades reclined, seemed to be a general meeting-place. To this spot it was that Ravonino went, leading his little sister Ra-Ruth by the hand, and followed by all the inmates of the place, who were eager to know what news he had brought.