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M. le Compte de Varique ne se playt qua parlay de vous: M. de Moon aucy. Il di que vous avay voulew vous bastre avecque luy que vous estes plus fort que luy fur l'ayscrimme quil'y a surtout certaine Botte que vous scavay quil n'a jammay sceu pariay: et que c'en eut ete fay de luy si vouseluy vous vous fussiay battews ansamb. Aincy ce pauv Vicompte est mort.

Il me dit que mondit seigneur d'Autriche, instruit que j'étois serviteur de mondit seigneur le duc, l'envoyoit vers moi pour m'offrir tout ce qui dépendoit de lui; qu'il m'invitoit

J'ai vu l'hypocrite honoré: J'ai vu, c'est dire tout, le jésuite adoré: J'ai vu ces maux sous le règne funeste D'un prince que jadis la colère céleste Accorda, par vengeance,

Il sembloit a son grè gouverner la tonnere, Fouler aux pieds ses enemis vaincus, Je ne fis que passer, il a'etoit deja plus. Amidst all their misfortunes, the French people, and more especially the peasantry, have contrived to preserve their characteristic gaiety.

For as soon as we were within hearing, a Spanish Captain cried out, "Hoo!" Our Captain answered him likewise, and being demanded "Que gente?" replied "Englishmen!" But when the said Commander charged him, "In the name of the King of Spain, his Master, that we should yield ourselves; promising in the word and faith of a Gentleman Soldier, that if we would so do, he would use us with all courtesy."

In estimating the possibility of danger in connection with any undertaking, an ordinary man will confine his inquiries to the kind of risk that has already attended such undertakings in the past; whereas a prudent person will look ahead, and consider everything that might possibly happen in the future, having regard to a certain Spanish maxim: lo que no acaece en un ano, acaece en un rato a thing may not happen in a year, and yet may happen within two minutes.

Yes. . . . At my age one knows what one is talking about que diable!" . . . He had delivered himself of all this as immovably as though he had been the mouthpiece of abstract wisdom, but at this point he heightened the effect of detachment by beginning to twirl his thumbs slowly. Eh bien! I, who am speaking to you, once . . ." 'He drained his glass and returned to his twirling.

They were then silent for a while, until the new-comer had denied his salvation, kissed the devil, spat upon the Bible, and sworn obedience to him in all things. They then began dancing again with all their might, and singing these words, "Alegremos, Alegremos! Que gente va tenemos!"

I was his mistress once, years ago at least I was more a confidante than anything else. How he used to laugh at my stories! 'Que tu es une drôlesse, he used to say. I never used to mince matters and we were none the worse for that. Bless you, he wasn't as bad as they painted him, 'long of all this fuss about the blacks.

I protest there is nothing like the virtue of English women. "You have only arrived to-day, and you came to see me? That was very kind. N'est-ce pas que c'etoit bong de Mouseer le Collonel, mademoiselle? Madamaselle Lebrun, le Collonel Newcome, mong frere." Have you had a pleasant voyage? Did you come by St. Helena? Oh, how I envy you seeing the tomb of that great man!