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But, my dear boy, there are only four lines, and who ever heard of notes shaped like that: you have made some square and some diamond-shape? Why didn't you look in your poor mother's old music? It's in the ottoman in the drawing-room. I could have shown you how to make the notes; there are crotchets, you know, and quavers."

John's not even with this breeze?" the voice quavers. "Stand by to abandon ship. Haven't you any lift in you, fore or aft?" "Nothing but the midship tanks, and they're none too tight. You see, my Ray gave out and " he coughs in the reek of the escaping gas. "You poor devil!" This does not reach our friend. "What does the Mark Boat say, George?" "Wants to know if there's any danger to traffic.

The former of these is divided by bars, each bar containing three crotchets, or a proportional number of their subdivisions into quavers and semiquavers. This kind of time is analogous to the measure of our heroic or iambic verse.

Bowser, setting forth that I was wanted at the house of Doddridge Knapp, and her prolixity was such that I was unable to determine whether she, or Mrs. Knapp, or Luella, wished to see me. But as all three appeared to be concerned in it I pocketed pride and resentment, and made my bow with some nervous quavers at the Pine Street palace. As I was speaking I cast my eyes furtively about the room.

As Sol Greening hitched his horse to the Widow Newbolt's fence, he heard her singing with long-drawn quavers and lingering semibreves: There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins.... She appeared at the kitchen door, a pan in her hand, a flock of expectant chickens craning their necks to see what she had to offer, at the instant that Sol came around the corner of the house.

Rachel Blodgett, who had been teetering with eagerness on her thin old ankles, interposing now and then sharp quavers of abortive speech, cut short Robinson's last words with the impetuosity of her delivered torrent. "I washed to-day," said she.

As the various notes by frequent repetitions become connected in the order, in which they are produced, a new catenation of sensitive exertions becomes mixed with the voluntary ones above described; and not only the musical symbols of crotchets and quavers, but the auditory notes and tones at the same time, become so many successive or synchronous links in this circle of catenated actions.

At least I can deduce nothing else from Hiram's first words, though their subject is for the moment nameless. "Yes, sir; he's the poorest man in this town." "Yes," Watty quavers; "yes, I guess he be." "An' he's got no more business sense into him than God give a goose." "No, I guess he ain't." "Why, look at the way things has run down at his store since Margaret died.

While he played his interminable exercises he heard a proud voice inside himself saying over and over again: "I am a composer a great composer." From that day on, since he was a composer, he set himself to composing. Before he had even learned to write, he continued to cipher crotchets and quavers on scraps of paper, which he tore from the household account-books.

Daisy found that was a good time for her own prayers; there was nothing to disturb her, and nothing to be heard at all, except that soft sound of Juanita's voice and the clear trills and quavers of the little birds' voices in the trees. There was no disturbance in any of those sounds; nothing but joy and gladness and the voice of melody from them all.