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On parloit avec admiration de la belle vieillesse d'un homme de quatre-vingt dix ans, quelqu'un dit "Cela vous etonne, messieurs; si mon pere n'etoit pas mort, il auroit a present cent ans accomplis." Mouet, de l'opera comique, conte qu'arrivant de Lyon, et ne voulant pas qu'on sut qu'il etoit a Paris, il recommanda a son laquais, suppose qu'il fut rencontre, de dire qu'il etoit a Lyon.

Jackson, of Dexter's, was teaing with Linton, and, as was his habit, was giving him a condensed history of his life since he last saw him. In the course of this he touched on a small encounter with M. Gaudinois which had occurred that afternoon. "So I got two pages of 'Quatre-Vingt Treize' to write," he concluded, "for doing practically nothing."

"Yes the likeness comes with every touch ... and the eyes, so keen and furtive. ... Nay, that eyelid should be a little more depressed at the corner.... Yes, yes just so. Admirable! There! don't attempt to work it up. The least thing might mar the likeness. My dear fellow, what a service you have rendered me!" "Quatre-vingt mille diables!" ejaculated the model, his eyes riveted upon the sketch.

Serait-elle revenue expres pour la piece d'Auber. On dit, en effet, que dans tous ses operas, Auber offre le principal role a Mme Moulton, qui possede une voix ravissante. The Emperor once said to Auber: "Dites-moi, quel age avez-vous? On dit que vous avez quatre-vingt ans." "Sire," answered Auber, "je n'ai pas quatre- vingt ans, mais quatre fois vingt ans." Is he not clever?

He bade you give me that message, the miserable old son of a spider! Quatre-vingt mille plats de diables aux truffes! Take my windows out of the frames, indeed! Let him try, Madame Duphôt that's all let him try!"

``Dans la galère, capitane, nous étions quatre-vingt rameurs! sang the oarsmen in the ballad; and they, though indeed they toiled on the galley-bench, were free and happy pirates, members of an honoured and liberal profession. But all we pirates, parsons, stockbrokers, whatever our calling are but galley-slaves of the basest sort, fettered to the oar each for his little spell.

Victor Hugo could indeed embody in his Quatre-Vingt Treize the mighty image of the first Revolution, but M. Zola is not Victor Hugo, and such a task is beyond his powers. One of the peculiarities of this tremendous and iconoclastic realist is the care with which he writes and the indefatigable polish he bestows upon his style.

Potiphar, remember, if you want to speak of your room it is numero quatre-vingt cinq" and she pronounced it very slowly. "Now try, Mr. "Oh! dear me. Kattery vang sank," said he. "Very good," answered she; "au troisieme; that means, on the third floor. Now try." "O tror Otrorsy O trorsy Oh! dear me!" muttered he in a tone of despair. "eme," said Mrs. "Aim," said he. "Well?" said Mrs.

She was very old thirty years ago; she must be quatre-vingt, at least: at last it came to quatre-vingt-dix. This lady did not look above fifty. She came up to the carriage as it stopped, and asked whom we wished to see. The moment I saw her eyes, I knew it was Madame de Montolieu, and stooping down from the open carriage I put into her hand the note of introduction and our card.

"When you've finished," protested Jackson, mopping himself with a handkerchief that had seen better days. "Sorry. But look at these. What did you say your impot was? Oh, I remember. Here you are. Two pages of 'Quatre-Vingt Treize. I don't know which two pages, but I suppose any will do." Jackson was amazed. "Great Scott! what a wad of stuff! When did you do it all?" "Oh, at odd times.