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All this will be still more applicable to the unconnected, rotatory, biennial national assemblies, in this absurd and senseless constitution. Qualitas, Relatio, Actio, Passio, Ubi, Quando, Situs, Habitus. See l'État de la France, p. 363. In reality three, to reckon the provincial republican establishments.

* Per lumen gloriæ intelligitur qualitas creata, et habitus virtusque intellectualis supernaturalis, ac per se infusa intellectui, qua redditur proxime potens et habilis ad videndum Deum.... Ita D. Thomas, sicque ratione probatur: Ut virtutes infusæ requiruntur, ut eorum actus fiant connaturali modo, nempe a principio intrinseco et proportionato, ita etiam lumen ut fiat visio.

Hertwig agrees with Schopenhauer and Lotze in regarding every primitive naturalforceas unique, not reducible to simpler terms, but qualitatively distinct,—a “qualitas occulta,” capable not of physical but only of metaphysical explanation. And thus his conclusions imply rejection of mechanism in the cruder sense. As such, it has only a very limited sphere of action in the realm of the living.

"Hermaphroditus an ad testamentum adhiberi possit qualitas sesus incalescentis ostendit." There is a peculiar case on record in which the question of legal male inheritance was not settled until the individual had lived as a female for fifty-one years.

Non substantia, non qualitas, agere, pati, ipsum esse, bonae notiones sunt; multo minus grave, leve, densum, tenue, humidum, siccum, generatio, corruptio, attrahere, fugare, elementum, materia, forma, et id genus, sed omnes phantasticae et male terminatae."