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He turned and went heavily back to the greasy range with the depleted coffee pot, lifted the lid of a kettle and looked in upon the contents with a purely mechanical glance; gave a perfunctory prod or two with a long-handled fork, and came back to stand uneasily behind Weary. "If you poys are goin' to shtand fer dot," he began querulously, "Py cosh I von't!

"Glad to know you intend to help us fight the Indians," answered Tom innocently. "Me fight der Indians? Vot you means py dot?" demanded Hans, his light-blue eyes wide open with interest. "Why, don't you know that we are here to learn how to fight Indians?" went on Tom, with a side wink at those around him. "No; I dink me dis vos von school only."

In three instances I found a similarity. When inquiry was made after the axe, the natives replied 'yehangeree-py, making signs of beating, and py signifies to beat in the Port Jackson language.

If they ketch 'im 'e'll get six months 'ard." "Then what's 'e been doin' it for? I down't see nothink in it if it down't py.". "Cause he believes in it, thet's why! What do you think, sir?" "I think the man has come by a just fall," said John. "God will never use him again, having brought him to shame." "Must hev been a wrong un certingly," said the man over the fire.

He stood with his back against the great arched window flooded with the yellow light of the setting sun, a little black figure in high relief, with a face of parchment. And he took a pinch of snuff before he spoke. "I am here py Mr. Carvel's orters, sir," said he, "and py tose alone vill I leaf."

"The fact is, sir," said the old man, trying, but in vain, to smile as he saw my eyes fixed upon him "The fact is, sir, we have not been quite hap py, not quite hap py, to day sir;" and he looked at me apologetically, as though his grief had been a fault to him, whilst two big tears, for a time kept in by an effort, rolled stealthily down his cheeks.

Then they heard a voice they knew: "Donner! I make your face preak! Come py mine punch of fives. Oh, you loaver!" "Hans!" cried Jack. "How the Old Harry did he get here?" "He'll soon be able to tell you himself," Frank said, "if he keeps on coming." Indeed, the German's voice came nearer every instant, nearer and more emphatic.

Ah! how glad I shall be to tell her all about our voyage, and my excursion into the sea, and how Fritz dragged me by the hair, and what they call these fiery fishes; tell me again, Ernest; py py " "Pyrosoma, Mr. Peron calls them," said Ernest. "The description of them is very interesting in his voyage, which I have read to mamma; and as she would recollect it, she would not be afraid."

"Oh, no, it vas not my dog." "Why, you said it was your dog." "Oh, no, gaptain, I " "It was a white dog, wasn't it, with his tail docked, and one ear gone, and " "Dot's him, dot's him! der fery dog. Wy, py Chorge, dot dog he would eat baint yoost de same like " "Well, never mind that, now 'vast heaving I never saw such a man. You start him on that dog and he'll dispute a year.

And my poor mother, who pored me pig old Tuncan ta fery tay of ta pattle, would not be hearing won wort of him for tree months tat he was away; and when he would pe creep pack like a fox to see her one fine night when ta moon was not pe up, they'll make up an acreement to co away together for a time, and to call temselfs MacPhails. But py and py tey took their own nems again."