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"I don't say all saw it. You may ask those who did, and you won't get a different story from what I've told you," he replied. "And what think you was the ship you saw?" I asked. Remember, Pusser, if you ever fall in with him, don't let him come aboard, that's all. He'll send you to the bottom as surely as if a red-hot shot was to be dropped into the hold." "Who is this Flying Dutchman?"

Simultaneous there come up three o' those dirty engine-room objects which we call 'tiffies, an' a stoker or two with orders to repair her steamin'-gadgets. They get into her an' bale out another young Christmas-treeful of small reckonin's brass mostly. Simultaneous it hits the Pusser that 'e'd better serve out mess pork for the poor matlow.

"Seen 'em all. Seen 'em all," said Hooper impatiently. "We Hierophants came in just before Christmas week an' leaf was easy." "I think a man gets fed up with Cape Town quicker than anywhere else on the station. Why, even Durban's more like Nature. We was there for Christmas," Pritchard put in. "Not bein' a devotee of Indian peeris, as our Doctor said to the Pusser, I can't exactly say.

The first mate had charge of the deck. Stubbs was busily employed fortifying his nerves. "You now know, Pusser, what a gale off the Cape is," he observed, looking up with his mouth half full of beef and biscuit. "Yes, indeed," said I. "Fine weather, too, for your friend the Dutchman to be cruising." "Ay, and likely enough we shall see him, too," he answered.