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"When a retired tailor degrades the honour of a seaman's flag by a shooting at it and a riddling of it, the law 'as made and purwided sets forth this: that the insulted sailor shall collect his crew and in the presence of all hands pass sentence after giving an impartial hearing to what the culprit may have to say in his defence.

"Have ye any acquaintance with the laws which are made and purwided for British seamen when it happens that their flag's degraded by the haction of a retired tailor?" said old Joe. Mr. Sloper, instead of answering, cast a languishing eye at the river banks, which were fast sliding past, and requested to be set ashore. "It don't answer his purpose to speak to the pint," said Plum.

One on 'em called it the debree of the feast, though what that means is best known to hisself. For one hour by the clock these literairies went at it, tooth an' nail, but they failed to get through with all that was purwided, though they stuffed themselves to their muzzles. There, 'elp yourself."

'Indeed, said she, 'without Mr. Slithers I should have been placed in quite an awkward situation. 'There is no call for any hock'erdness, mum, said Mr. Weller with the utmost politeness; 'no call wotsumever. A lady, added the old gentleman, looking about him with the air of one who establishes an incontrovertible position, 'a lady can't be hock'erd. Natur' has otherwise purwided.

Grummer 'Law, civil power, and exekative; them's my titles; here's my authority. Blank Tupman, blank Pickwick against the peace of our sufferin' lord the king stattit in the case made and purwided and all regular. I apprehend you Pickwick! Tupman the aforesaid. 'What do you mean by this insolence? said Mr. Tupman, starting up; 'leave the room! 'Hollo, said Mr.