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At the attack on Mendon, only three weeks after the horrors at Swanzey that ushered in the war, it was known that Christian Indians had behaved themselves quite as cruelly as their unregenerate brethren. Afterwards they made such a record that the jokers and punsters of the day for such there were, even among those sombre Puritans in writing about the "Praying Indians," spelled praying with an e.

"I declare, Vincent, you are growing quite witty. Do you remember Jekyl? Poor fellow, what a really good punster he was not agreeable though particularly at dinner no punsters are. Mr. Davison, what is that dish next to you?" Mr. Davison was a great gourmand: "Salmi de perdreaux aux truffes," replied the political economist. "Truffles!" said Wormwood, "have you been eating any?"

Violent and unmanageable Punsters, who interrupt others when engaged in conversation, with Puns or attempts at the same, shall be deprived of their Joseph Millers, and, if necessary, placed in solitary confinement. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated.

"There is one thing I have forgotten to show you," said the Superintendent, "the cell for the confinement of violent and unmanageable Punsters." We were very curious to see it, particularly with reference to the alleged absence of every object upon which a play of words could possibly be made.

Violent and unmanageable Punsters, who interrupt others when engaged in conversation, with Puns or attempts at the same, shall be deprived of their Joseph Millers, and, if necessary, placed in solitary confinement. Sect. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated. Among these are the following:

The same remark applies to punsters. It is difficult for a man of sterling talent to perpetrate a pun, or to solve an enigma. On the latter account, Oedipus must have been an ass. A fact. Nine-tenths of the catsup which is sold in the shops is a vile compound of liver and the roan of fish, seasoned with vinegar, pepper, and other condiments.

"True; formerly they used to brow-beat witnesses, now they brow-beat one another, and so defyingly, that ere long, who knows but the four courts may resemble, as punsters would say, the five courts?" Every one has heard of kicking the world before them, though, comparatively, so few succeed in the task. The wights in the cut are in an enviable condition.

The punsters of Brussels were sure not to let such an opportunity escape them, for the name of the captured town was susceptible of a quibble, and the event had taken place upon All Fools' Day. "On April's Fool's Day, Duke Alva's spectacles were stolen away," became a popular couplet.

Both were playful in manner, but melancholy by constitution, and in each there lurked an unsuspected sadness; both had tenderness in their mirth, and mirth in their tenderness; and both were born punsters, with more meaning in their puns than met the ear, and constantly bringing into sudden and surprising revelation the wonderful mysteries of words.

Hence-forth, he was more thought of as a profound poet than as the greatest of mimes, jesters, and punsters. The lyrics of the poor saved him from imminent injustice. All that we have further to say of these lyrics is to express our admiration as to the classical finish of their diction, and as to the wild, sweet, and strange music in their sadly sounding measures.