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We can perceive that in this way, if we had more knowledge, the tendency to habit through repetition might be replaced by a precise account of the effect of each occurrence in bringing about a modification of the sort from which habit would ultimately result. It is such considerations that make students of psychophysiology materialistic in their methods, whatever they may be in their metaphysics.

Many similar psychological illusions can well be used to prepare the mind for unsuspected healing powers. Still stronger is the effect of personal contact. The psychophysiology of love indicates the most complex influence which contact sensations have on the whole nervous system and especially on the vasomotor apparatus of the body.

The more firmly the physician sticks to the standpoint of psychophysiology, the better he will see ailment and cure in their right proportion. This demand for the consideration of the whole personality, mind and body, ought not to be influenced by the popular separation between organic and functional diseases.

This metaphysical theory, one of the many varieties of mens agitat molem, being, like every other, a personal conception, it is superfluous to discuss or criticise its evident anthropomorphism. But, since we are dealing with hypotheses, I venture to risk a comparison between embryological development in physiology, instinct in psychophysiology, and the creative imagination in psychology.

Psychophysiology was in an uproar over my success. "Man can now be all protoplast," some said. Others as vehemently insisted some tiny but tangible chromosome-organ link to the past must remain. For my part it all sounded very academic; I was well again. There was one unhappy moment when I applied for the new Centauri Expedition. "Too much of a risk," the Consulting Board told me.