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"You mean to say American armies would do what them Proosians done in Belgium?" And when Jimmie answered "Yes," an indignant citizen rose from his seat on a cracker-box, and tapped him on the shoulder and said: "Look here, young feller, you better run along home. You'll git yerself a coat of tar and feathers if you talk too much round these parts."

He has always sent his generals against us, but, by jabbers, he will find that he has not got Roosians and Proosians this time." "It will be hot work, Denis; for we shall have the best troops of France against us, and Napoleon himself in command." "It's little we care for the French, your honor. Didn't we meet them in Spain and bate them? Sure, they are are hardly worth counting."

"Then here's the French, where my pipe lies; and over here, where I put my baccy pouch, was the Proosians a-comin' up on our left flank. Jimini, but it was a glad sight to see the smoke of their guns!" "And what was it that struck you most now in connection with the whole affair?" asked the colonel. "I lost three half-crowns over it, I did," crooned old Brewster.

But we are on to you, Bob Fletcher, and I voice the sentimomgs of the whole band when I says with Saint John, in the forty-first epistle to the Proosians, 'Wot you put your fist to, that do it with all yer might!" "Aye, aye!" chorused the band with boisterous approval. "Then hup and work, you devils!" exclaimed the vice president.

Everybody knew old Jasper Trent, the Crimean Veteran who had helped to beat the "Roosians and the Proosians," and who, so it was rumored, had more wounds upon his worn, bent body than there were months in the year. The whole village was proud of old Jasper, proud of his age, proud of his wounds, and proud of the medals that shone resplendent upon his shrunken breast.

"The Lord be praised, Mr. Conway. Sure, I thought you were dead and kilt entirely." "Is that you, Denis?" "Sure and it's no one else, your honor." "Is the battle over?" "It is that. The French are miles away, and the Proosians at their heels." "What has happened to me, Denis?" "Well, your honor's hurt a bit in the arm, but it will all come right presently."