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The masses of sandstone which are found in the carboniferous formation, exhibit in a large degree these wedge-shaped strata, and we have therefore a clue at once, both as to their propinquity to sea and land, and also as to the manner in which they were formed. Productus. There is one thing more, too, about them.

"Cum in Circo Flaminio non a tribuno plebis consul in concionem sed a latrone archipirata productus esset, primum processit qua auctoritate vir. Vini, somni, stupri plenus, madenti coma, gravibus oculis, fluentibus buccis, pressa voce et temulenta, quod in cives indemnatos esset animadversum, id sibi dixit gravis auctor vehementissime displicere." Post Reditum in Senatu, 6.

The other, Archaeocidaris, represents, in like manner, the Cidaris of the present seas. Productus semireticulatus, Martin, sp. Spirifera trigonalis, Martin, sp. Mountain Limestone. Spirifera glabra, Martin, sp. The British Carboniferous mollusca enumerated by Mr. Etheridge comprise 653 species referable to 86 genera, occurring chiefly in the Mountain Limestone.

Syn. Gorgonia infundibuliformis, Goldf.; Retepora flustracea, Phillips. b. It sometimes attains a large size, single specimens measuring eight inches in width. The same bryozoan, with several other British species, is also found abundantly in the Permian of Germany. Productus horridus, Sowerby. Lingula Crednerii.

Among the Mollusks, Brachiopods are still prominent, one new genus among them, the Productus, being very remarkable on account of the manner in which one valve rises above the other.