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The story is all about the woman from whom it takes its title; but she never for a moment appears upon the scene of action, and is portrayed entirely through her effect upon several different men. Here is a bit of conversation concerning her. "Said Pyecroft suddenly: "'How many women have you been intimate with all over the world, Pritch?

"'Tis up-country at any rate. That reminds me," he felt in his waistcoat- pocket, "I've got a curiosity for you from Wankies beyond Buluwayo. It's more of a souvenir perhaps than " "The old hotel's inhabited," cried a voice. "White men from the language. Marines to the front! Come on, Pritch. Here's your Belmont. Wha i i!" The last word dragged like a rope as Mr.

"How many women have you been intimate with all over the world, Pritch?" Pritchard blushed plum colour to the short hairs of his seventeen-inch neck. "'Undreds," said Pyecroft. "So've I. How many of 'em can you remember in your own mind, settin' aside the first an' per'aps the last and one more?" "Few, wonderful few, now I tax myself," said Sergeant Pritchard, relievedly.

"I only wish to observe that when a gentleman exhibits such a peculiar, or I should rather say, such a bloomin' curiosity in identification marks as our friend here " "Mr. Pritchard," I interposed, "I'll take all the responsibility for Mr. Hooper." "An' you'll apologise all round," said Pyecroft. "You're a rude little man, Pritch." "But how was I " he began, wavering.

"It's the uniform that fetches 'em, an' they fetch it," said Pyecroft. "My simple navy blue is respectable, but not fascinatin'. Now Pritch in 'is Number One rig is always 'purr Mary, on the terrace' ex officio as you might say." "She took me for Maclean, I tell you," Pritchard insisted. "Why why to listen to him you wouldn't think that only yesterday "

An' all the time it was a dirty little out-lyin' uninhabited island. We walked round it in a day, an' come back to our boat lyin' on the beach. A whole day Boy Niven kept us walkin' in circles lookin' for 'is uncle's farm! He said his uncle was compelled by the law of the land to give us a farm!" "Don't get hot, Pritch. We believed," said Pyecroft. "He'd been readin' books.

There was no mistakin' the walk in a hundred thousand. She come forward right forward she looked out straight at us with that blindish look which Pritch alluded to. She walked on and on till she melted out of the picture like like a shadow jumpin' over a candle, an' as she went I 'eard Dawson in the ticky seats be'ind sing out: 'Christ! There's Mrs.

"That's not so," said Pritchard, mildly. "Not verbatim per'aps, but the look in the eye came to the same thing." "Where was it?" I demanded. "Just on beyond here at Kalk Bay. She was slappin' a rug in a back verandah. Pritch hadn't more than brought his batteries to bear, before she stepped indoors an' sent it flyin' over the wall." Pyecroft patted the warm bottle.

"Pritch," said Pyecroft, "be warned in time. If we begin tellin' what we know about each other we'll be turned out of the pub. Not to mention aggravated desertion on several occasions " "Never anything more than absence without leaf I defy you to prove it," said the Sergeant hotly. "An' if it comes to that how about Vancouver in '87?" "How about it? Who pulled bow in the gig going ashore?

The story is all about the woman from whom it takes its title; but she never for a moment appears upon the scene of action, and is portrayed entirely through her effect upon several different men. Here is a bit of conversation concerning her. "Said Pyecroft suddenly: "'How many women have you been intimate with all over the world, Pritch?