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The postilions were mounted; each door had the steps let down: Agnes was lifted in: Hannah and I followed: Pierpoint mounted his horse; and at the word Oh! how strange a word! 'All's right, the horses sprang off like leopards, a manner ill-suited to the slippery pavement of a narrow street. At that moment, but we valued it little indeed, we heard the prison-bell ringing out loud and clear.

The church tower, the church roof, the church yard, the prison leads, the very water-spouts and lampposts every inch of room swarmed with human life. At the first stroke of twelve the prison-bell began to toll. Then the roar mingled now with cries of 'Hats off! and 'Poor fellows! and, from some specks in the great concourse, with a shriek or groan burst forth again.

Oh, how long the hours were, till at last the prison-bell rang at six o'clock, and the gangs all over the farm formed into little squads and marched toward the prison, the warders drawing after them the light iron bridges of the canals, which were locked on one side every night.

The postilions were mounted; each door had the steps let down: Agnes was lifted in: Hannah and I followed: Pierpoint mounted his horse; and at the word Oh! how strange a word! 'All's right, the horses sprang off like leopards, a manner ill-suited to the slippery pavement of a narrow street. At that moment, but we valued it little indeed, we heard the prison-bell ringing out loud and clear.

Time passed heavily at the jail, and day after day Manuel awaited his fate with anxiety. At every tap of the prison-bell he would spring to the door and listen, asserting that he heard the consul's voice in every passing sound. Day after day the consul would call upon him and quiet his fears, reassuring him that he was safe and should not be sold as a slave.