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"That I will never do," said the man in black; "no one in England knows it but myself, and I will not declare it, even in a dingle; as for the rest, Sono un Prete Cattolico Appostolico that is all that many a one of us can say for himself, and it assuredly means a great deal."

"What is it? What do you want?" said the doctor, in a grumbling voice. "Is it another baby? Upon my word, these " "Signor Dottore, come down, come down instantly! The signore of Monte Amato, the signore of the Casa del Prete has had an accident. You must come at once. I will go to fetch a donkey." The doctor leaned farther out of the window. "An accident! What ?"

They knew him. Some of them had been to the fishing with him. Oh, they were sorry! They all began to speak and to try to " "Diavolo! They could only make things worse! If the breath of life was in the signore's body they would drive it out. Per Dio!" "But the signora stopped them. She told them to be silent and to carry the signore up to the Casa del Prete.

Of extravagant metaphor, the result of this same making sound the file-leader of sense, a single example from "Heraclius" shall suffice: "La vapeur de mon sang ira grossir la foudre Que Dieu tient deja prete a le reduire en poudre."

Interiori Athiopiae imperat Abissinorum Rex, qui Presbyter sive Pretiosus Ioannes, vulgo Prete Gianni, vocatur; magno, recepto tamen errore; cum is quondam in Asiae, ut relatum est, regno Tenduc regnaverit. Abasenos populos recenset Stephanus in Arabia; unde verisimile est, eos in Africam trajecto sinu Arabico commigrasse.

By her side were the princes of Ferrara and the Cardinal of Cosenza. Her brother Cæsar accompanied her a short distance, and then returned to the Vatican with Cardinal Ippolito. Thus Lucretia Borgia departed, leaving Rome and a terrible past behind her forever. The report of this agent, who signs himself El Prete, is preserved in the archives of Mantua.

I have myself, by all which I have said upon the history and fate of that unfortunate Prince, excused myself from giving any sort of fete at my own house; but I do not carry my rigour so far, as not to accept one on that day at the house of another person. Voila le point ou ma devotion se prete un feu.

When presently he reached the high-road by Isola Bella he encountered the fisherman, Giuseppe, who had spent the night at the Casa del Prete. "Are you going to see the place where the poor signore was found, signore?" asked the man. "Si," said Artois. "I was his friend. I wish to see the Pretore, to hear how it happened. Can I? Are they there, he and the others?"

Tout en prenant cette mesure de précaution, la Russie n'en discontinuait pas moins de rechercher de toutes ses forces une issue de cette situation et déclara être prête

Le Gouvernement Allemand fut mis au courant des mesures prises par la Russie; il lui fut en même temps expliqué qu'elles n'étaient que la conséquence des armements autrichiens et nullement dirigées contre l'Allemagne. En même temps, le Gouvernement Impérial déclara que la Russie était prête