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Tu es mienne avant que tu sois morte; Les corps qui sont ici, la ville peut les prendre; Ils garderont au front comme une croix de cendre Le vestige du dieu que tu es maintenant!"

La premiere entraina la seconde dans un mouvement retrograde; de plus elle y apporta assez de confusion pour que ces deux lignes reunies crussent n'avoir d'autre parti a prendre que celui de la fuite," etc. Memoires, vol. i. p. 257. There can be no question as to the general soundness of this criticism, and we should not have continued the movement described if we had been attacked in force.

"Il [Rohan] a même menacé, si on ne veut pas prendre le bon chemin qui lui indique, que ma fille s'en ressentira." Marie-Thérèse

Go on with your "Valkyrie," and permit me to adapt the proverb, "Quand on prend du galon, on n'en saurait trop prendre," to your case in the following manner: "Quand on fait du sublime on n'en saurait trop faire, surtout quand ce n'est qu'une question de nature et d'habitude!" Your WEYMAR, October 12th, 1855. November 16th, 1855.

[Footnote 7: Chaque nuit on venait en prendre par centaines, pour les mettre sur les bateaux. L

Well, the expression certainly in its eccentricity is quite equal to the phraseological excursion to the moon of Madame de Sevigne, who, meaning to speak of attempting an impossibility, writes "lay hold of the moon with the teeth" prendre la lune avec les dents!" Bracciolini, who, in his letters to Niccoli puts me in mind of Dean Swift in his letters to Dr. Bacon.

However, 'to bed, as Lady Macbeth says. Faith, I don't wonder the poor devil of a thane was slow in going to bed with such a tigress. Good-night to you." MA fortune va prendre une face nouvelle.* RACINE. Androm., Act i. sc. 1. * "My fortune is about to take a turn." THE next morning Vargrave inquired the way to Mr. Winsley's, and walked alone to the house of the brewer.

"Une grossière main vient la plupart du temps Me prendre de la main des plus honnêtes gens. Civil, officieux, je suis pour la ville. "Dans le plus rude hiver j'ai le dos toujours nu: Et, quoique fort commode,

"O trorsyaim," said he. "That's very well, indeed!" said Mrs. Potiphar, and they went out of the room. I joined them in the hall, and we ran on before Mr. P., but we soon heard some one speaking, and stopped. "Monsieur, veut il prendre un commissionaire?" "Kattery vang sank," replied Mr. Potiphar, with great emphasis. "Comment?" said the other. "O tror O tror Oh! Polly seeaim seeaim!" returned Mr.

«§ 648. Mon but principal dans la premiere course que je fis au Bréven étoit de prendre de l