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The hands "wander idly over the body," the husband's right hand being specially free and in perfect position to stroke his wife's back, her hips, her legs, and pet her from top to toe. As this part of the act continues, it is the most natural thing in the world that the sex organs should tumesce, and that there should be a flow of both prostatic and pre-coital fluids.

Many physicians declare that as high as forty per cent of the women who are reared in modern social life are thus lacking. These women engage in coitus, though they get no pleasure from the act. They never reach the orgasm, and have no sensation of delight from the act; they seldom secrete the pre-coital fluid, and hence the union of the organs, or their motion, are never easy or pleasurable.

Under such "courting," the parts will all enlarge, the pre-coital secretion will flow in abundance; and, in due course, all will be ready for the second part of the act. This part of coitus is, really, one of the most enjoyable of the entire performance.

First part of act of coitus Difference between men and women in time needed for sexual readiness Women usually slower Prostatic flow and pre-coital secretion Coitus harmful when either partner not fully ready for sexual union Taking time most important feature Special information for newlyweds Woman's fear of "something new" and of pregnancy Husband should not insist upon "rights" Evils which follow this wrong attitude True marriage based on mutual love Key to married happiness Married love needs continual care by husband and wife Instructions for performing first part of act of coitus.

Psychical mismatching Differences between men and women cause for great dissatisfaction if not known and corrected Instructions for correcting psychical mismatching if husband is at fault; if wife is at fault Extending time of first part of coitus Inducing pre-coital flow in woman Essential that first part of coitus be continued until woman is ready for second part Necessity for husband to know ways to extend time of third part of coitus "Keeping the cap on" What wife can do to correct physical and psychical mismatching.

As has already been noted, chemically, saliva and the pre-coital fluid are almost identical. They are both a natural secretion of a mucous membrane, are alkaline in reaction, their native purpose is lubrication, and, as a matter of fact, the saliva is as natural an application to the lips of the vulva as it is to the interior of the mouth or throat.