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I knowed there wasn't a praist at all at Carra, an' I thought he was draiming, or out o' his head, or crazy wid his sickness, like; an' I went up close to him, an' says I, 'John, says I, 'what is it you want, says I 'an' sure, if it's anything in heaven above or in earth beneath that yer own mother can get for ye, says I, 'ye shall have it, says I. An' he put up his two arms around my neck, an' pulled my face down to his lips, that was hot wid the faver, an' kissed me he did 'An', says he, 'mother dair, says he 'if ye love me, says he, 'fetch me the good gintleman that praiches at Carra, till I spake to him. 'Is it the praist you want, John, my boy? says I 'sure he's in it, says I'; for Michael had been for Father Shannon, an' he had come home wid him half an hour before.

I wish to God I understood praichin' at aitin' the bacon and fowl I am as good a Methodist as any of them but, be me sowl, as I don't understand praichin', I'll stick to the Quakers, for when a man praiches there, all he has to do is to say nothing." Having uttered these sentiments in a kind of soliloquy, Darby, after having given the priest a very significant look, took his departure.

"An' to-night, my lady, he's very bad," she went on, wiping away the tears that came quickly again "an' I seed he was going fast from me, an' I was breaking my heart wid the loss of him, whin I heard one of the men that was in it say, 'What's this he's saying? says he. 'An' what is it, thin? says I. 'About the gintleman that praiches at Carra, says he 'he's a calling for him, says he.